
The Trouble With Goats And Sheep Quotes

The Trouble With Goats And Sheep by Joanna Cannon

The Trouble With Goats And Sheep Quotes
"You don’t always have to hit people to bully them."
"The key to a tidy house is anticipation. And lists. Lots of lists."
"God works in mysterious ways, Harold was right. Everything happens for a reason."
"We’re going to make sure everyone is safe. We’re going to bring Mrs Creasy back."
"I hope she does. I liked Mrs Creasy. She was nice."
"Empty that ashtray before you go. There’s a good boy."
"It's as plain as the nose on your face. They have strange little habits, odd behaviour. They never mix with anyone else. They even look different."
"She looked into Tilly’s eyes and touched Tilly’s forehead and frowned, and said we should all sit for a moment in the shade of the bandstand."
"You could spot them a mile off. You’ll learn to cross the street."
"The world’s gone rights mad. Far too many people have rights these days."
"It’s important to avoid heatstroke. Angela Rippon said so."
"The world is made up of all sorts of people. There are decent people, and then there are the weird ones, the ones who don’t belong."
"I don’t think so. She wouldn’t have let them down. She wasn’t that kind of lady."
"The most important thing is why Mrs Forbes did it."
"Everything needed to be searched. If Margaret had left of her own free will, she had to have found something which had made her disappear."
"I escaped from the bandstand and welcomed scorched heat on my shoulders and the sound of people not worrying."
"Crazy, sang Patsy Cline. ‘Crazy,’ sang Sheila Dakin, half a second afterwards."
"You’ll miss my singing when I’m not here any more. You’ll ache to hear these notes again."
"It’s worth remembering, Lisa. There’s always someone worse off than yourself."
"If you rushed her, she would become flustered and deny everything, and no one would ever know what was waiting to be said."
"But when I do, you’ll ache, Lisa Dakin. Mark my words."
"Every plant can flourish, it just needs to find the right place."
"I think He allows us to grow. We just have to find the best soil."
"Some rules are important. Other rules, I think, are just there to make people feel as though they’re all on the same side."
"God is an interesting subject to talk about."
"She’ll be back. It’s the heat. It knocks daft into people."
"It’s the kind of control Sheila has seen so many times before, and it makes bile creep into the back of her throat."
"I'm sure she'll tell us everything when she returns."
"I think you can get used to most things if you taste them for long enough."
"People believe in things without even knowing if they're actually true."
"It's a wise man who makes his own decisions."
"They might not want us calling round. They might have their own ways."
"Long shadows creep over silent, frosted lawns and heavy skies press into the slate-grey roofs."
"Since his father died, his mother has filled his life with starch and sugar."
"He watches Brian cross the street and stand in front of number eleven."
"Brian says eventually, ‘He’ll get what’s coming.’"
"‘You really think Walter took the baby?’ he says."
"‘How long are you going to keep this up?’ John says."
"You’ve always been sweet on her. Since school."
"You only really need two people to believe in the same thing, to feel as though you just might belong."
"Memories are only forgotten when someone dies. It’s a dangerous thing. Worth remembering, that is."
"As long as you are with me, nothing bad will ever happen to you, because I will guard you like a little tin soldier."
"Perhaps your mummy might like my help from time to time? Perhaps you and I can be friends?"
"It's the small decisions, the ones that slip themselves into your day unnoticed, the ones that wrap their weight in insignificance. These are the decisions that will bury you."
"The kind of silence that only Walter Bishop was comfortable with."