
The Masterharper Of Pern Quotes

The Masterharper Of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

The Masterharper Of Pern Quotes
"Once, long ago, healers had known how to tell the difference and match the blood."
"I must hold him …" Merelan’s voice was feeble, but her need was fierce.
"She wants her baby." Then Betrice mouthed words that Ginia could easily read: 'She thinks she’s dying.'
"There’s more than one way to accomplish the same purpose, you know."
"With all the talent available on this continent, it isn’t as if Petiron had to breed a choir."
"Sometimes I think that man is only interested in her for her voice."
"You may be right, but it’s a lot harder to sing softly, since it requires considerable breath control."
"For so many children, disapproval is sufficient, or a rap on the knuckles. Then there are some who have to have manners thumped into their heads. Oddly enough, they seem to recover more quickly than the sensitive child who is only verbally rebuked."
"He uses only his hand, and it’s more her pride that’s been offended than her butt end."
"I wouldn’t make so much of her … good behaviour, Landon."
"It might even mean you’d Impress, and that would solve everything."
"Gone away, gone ahead, Echoes roll unanswered. Empty, open, dusty, dead. Why have all the weyrfolk fled?"
"But the dragons are here and Benden keeps up its strength. That is the pledge we made to Hold and Hall when the first dragon cracked its shell."
"It's possible G'ranad, the Weyrleader before him, struck it out of our Teaching."
"Because he knows – that Thread will come again."
"Fifty isn't old when most dragonriders live to their tenth decade and better."
"We're going to learn the new song today, the Question Song."
"There's a lot that goes on in the Hall that is known but not talked about, lovey."
"It's late, even for a Weyr gathering, and you've been more than generous with your time and repertoire."
"Sure, we will. There's been Long Intervals before."
"You're a good son, Rob, and your concern does you credit."
"To be utterly truthful, he looked forward to leaving the Harper Hall and getting away from the constant censorious glances of his father."
"He’d really enjoy being away – and as Master Gennell had promised to keep him informed about his mother’s health, he could go with an easy conscience."
"Robinton had become so adept at keeping emotions to himself that it had become a habit."
"Sometimes the lucky ones were warned to pack what they’d need, but just as often no clue at all was given until Master Gennell called out the names."
"Inhaling varnish all afternoon has put me off."
"He shifted about on his chair a lot, shooting glances at his mother, but she was busy either eating, quite normally, or chatting with Master Washell and his father, who bracketed her at the head table."
"To be a harper requires many talents, as you all know. Some of us are endowed – unfairly – with more than a sufficient share."
"‘Shut your mouth, pull your eyes in, and get up,’ Shonagar muttered in an undertone."
"Unashamed of the tears streaming down his face and swallowing the lump in his throat, Robinton walked the tables, bearing himself as proudly as he could despite the tendency of his knees to wobble."
"He was now separated from his father, both as parent and teacher. His relief was intense, his concern for his mother immense."
"But if she spouses him, then Pessia and I will have a room to ourselves."
"It’s not as if we were close – weyrbred not taking that much store in relationships."
"Who could possibly be so dense as to ignore that sort of a connection?"
"He’s been friends with F’lon, bronze rider of Simanith, ever since he and his mother spent a winter at Benden Hold."
"A mere several hundred Turns old, Minnarden said."
"I’ve heard you go on and on about my father."
"It gives a clue to those who have your good interests at heart."
"That’s just it, Rob, I believe we’ll see Thread again."
"A harper doesn’t encounter the same sort of hazards."
"That’s what I meant, Rob. He’s never your father. Always Petiron."
"You’ve both had quite an ordeal, Journeyman."
"I think I shall ask Faroguy to join us for the Gather."
"You don’t get good Benden often in South Boll."
"Sometimes people just wear out. But I promise you I’m watching your mother carefully."
"Just you take good care of yourself, too, Betrice."
"We can’t force people to learn when they’ve no wish to listen."
"I’d rather not be tied. I don’t really think I’m cut out for sexual loyalty."
"We’ve all become soft, you know. Letting someone else take the blame or do the disagreeable."
"You call this food? Slop! Slop!" And he threw the plate at the Warder.
"My people are very busy with ordinary tasks, Master Robinton. It is spring, you know, and we've herds to manage and young animals to train to saddle."
"If you think you can do a Nip, you're gone in the head, Rob. Send Sebell for you."
"It’s about Traller," Sebell said one evening as Robinton was relaxing after dinner.
"He has scarcely had time to return to—" Robinton paused.
"If you'd been there, Lord Holder," said Macester, the leader of the escort, "you'd’ve known it was no accident, and we're lucky the MasterHarper wasn't killed too."
"Limit my wanderings? That I cannot in conscience do – not now."
"The dragons confer honour where they will," F’lar said drily.
"Oh, you will, you will," said Robinton, dismissing his injury. "You’ve Struan here—"
"I had so hoped to hear some new music this evening …" the Lord Holder began wistfully.
"Oh, come now, Master Robinton, he buys our runner-beasts, and that’s good for Ruatha," Kale replied with a laugh.
"Be careful then, Robinton." Tarathel pressed his hand warningly against Robinton’s uninjured shoulder.
"He will be when I get through with him," Nip said, grinning at his irrepressible fashion.
"I see that they do. Not that they’d dishonour their father’s memory by forgetting," he added.