
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, And More Creative Quotes

The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, And More Creative by Florence Williams

The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, And More Creative Quotes
"In short, the brain evolved in a biocentric world." — Edward O. Wilson
"There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon." — Basho
"It’s not about wilderness; it’s about the nature/civilization hybrid the Japanese have cultivated for thousands of years."
"The phenomenon was identified during the 1980s bubble economy when workers in their prime started dropping dead."
"The Japanese work is essential in my mind, a Rosetta stone."
"For me, as for a sizable percentage of others with mild depression, the meds didn’t seem to work."
"We used to wait. We used to waste hours just walking around." — Arcade Fire
"Does less nature and more technology change who we fundamentally are?"
"The average person looks at their phone 150 times day."
"Your brain keeps track of about four things at once."
"I can’t begin to count how many times I was on some kind of a trip with my parents and they woke me up at dawn because it was mandatory that I watch the fucking sunrise." — Euny Hong
"In the quest to find out what exactly it is about nature that meshes with our minds, smells emerge as an undersung but powerful component."
"Astonishingly, the human nose can detect 1 trillion odors, including many we don’t even realize we are detecting."
"Our brilliant sense of smell may be on the wane...we are drastically losing our sense of smell."
"The primary victim is our paleolithic nervous system."
"SMELLS HOLD POWER over us because the nose is a direct pathway to the brain."
"If you want to play games better, you need to let your eyes rest."
"Nature, for Park, is in some ways a negative space, a refuge from ills."
"No air is sweet that is silent; it is only sweet when full of low currents of under sound—triplets of birds, and murmur and chirps of insects."
"There are no known examples of evolution driving vertebrate species to lose hearing."
"People can become habituated to sound, at least partly."
"Our brains recognize that kinship to the natural world, and they do it fast."
"Colors help us spot and distinguish foods and notice things out of the ordinary."
"The app isn’t taking into account your activity or endorphins or oxygen to your brain. I’m just analyzing the face value of the environment."
"Isn’t it possible that it’s only when you open all the doors—literally and figuratively—that the real magic happens?"
"Nature images—even on a screen—can elicit fast, positive responses in our brains."
"Sunlight stimulates the release of dopamine from the retina, which in turn appears to prevent the eyeball from growing too oblong."
"To the Finnish, nature is about expressing a close-knit collective identity."
"The forests are mostly privately owned in small holdings, but, mirabile dictu, at least to an American mindset, there is virtually no such thing as trespassing."
"In almost all categories, frequency of outdoor activities has dropped in the last ten years, no doubt replaced by staring at brightly lit devices inside their houses."
"Nature does everything to prepare you, to make you immune, or to gentle the shock."
"Childhood is, or has been, or ought to be, the great original adventure, a tale of privation, courage, constant vigilance, danger, and sometimes Calamity." - Michael Chabon
"If man is not to live by bread alone, what is better worth doing well than the planting of trees?" - Frederick Law Olmsted
"You are the light of my life." - Father to daughter
"The more time participants spent in nature, the greater well-being they reported."
"The essence of who we are is getting away from the rat race, across the litany of literature."
"We come out in nature not because the science says it does something to us, but because of how it makes us feel."
"The nights are coal-black and water-deep, the light often too bright to understand. . . . No one is ever sure if we are hostages of isolation or the freest people in four states." - Ellen Meloy
"Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life." - John Muir
"Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Author of Nature; but everything degenerates in the hands of man." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau