
The Invisible Hour Quotes

The Invisible Hour by Alice Hoffman

The Invisible Hour Quotes
"Every day is an emergency," Ivy had whispered.
"You won’t be hurt again," Joel said. "I promise you that."
"Do you think I would actually consider running away?" Noah said coldly.
"You have the receipt of fern-seed, we walk invisible."
"You are the apple, you are the tree, you are the orchard."
"Be true and I will be true to you. Be loyal and you will have my loyalty forever more."
"Somebody must be happy somewhere," she muttered.
"We’ll find the place that will welcome us," Kayla assured her.
"When you love someone, look what happens." - Constance
"Real life is unbelievable. Souls are snatched away from us, flesh and blood turn to dust, people you love betray you, men go to war over nothing. It's all preposterous." - Sarah
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau
"Once upon a time, I loved you more than anything. I loved you more than life itself." - Ivy
"My dear girl, you gave me back a hundred times more than anything I would ever want." - Constance
"I'm in love with my favorite author. Doesn't that count?" - Mia
"If it was a dream it was ours alone." - Nathaniel Hawthorne
"Such small occurrences could change a life and leave a person with a completely different fate, a path they would never have imagined they might take."
"No matter what anyone said, no matter what they believed, he was convinced that there was magic in the world."
"Perhaps his fortune was set in place when he was born on July 4, an auspicious day."
"He came from people who tended to be gloomy, and his mother often was not to be found, having taken to her bed, avoiding the world in a way Nathaniel understood."
"The feeling that he was a failure settled upon him in his murky room, which he often didn’t leave for days or weeks at a time."
"His stories and essays appeared in one magazine after another, and in the early spring of 1837, at the age of thirty-two, Nathaniel’s second book, a collection of stories he called Twice-Told Tales was published to some very positive reviews."
"Nathaniel often felt like a man talking to himself in a dark place."
"I have dreams as well, she’d told her brother. And they might as well be dust."
"Nathaniel wrote about mysteries, wherein miraculous things could happen, whether redemption or damnation, and now he felt as if he had wandered into a tale from his own book."
"Whatever you do, don’t show it to him, Elizabeth warned. It will influence him, and he’ll change things, he’ll rewrite and refigure."
"Love was cruel and unpredictable, and yet he wanted it more than words, more than anything."
"Words were magic. That was all he knew. Words were all they had."
"Love, whether newly born or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world."
"A fish cannot live in the world of a sparrow. One will gasp for air and the other will drown."
"Time hides no treasures; we want not its then, but its now."
"I always knew you were a thief. I just didn’t know what you were trying to steal from me."
"A treasure is a treasure if you think it is."
"We’re not lost. We’re right here where we belong."
"He had no story to tell, and yet he knew he was still a writer."
"He is my brother and a genius. But in another place and time, I might have been one, too."