
The Last Sin Eater Quotes

The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers

The Last Sin Eater Quotes
"Grief can't be dissolved like rain washing dust off a roof. Sorrow knows no washing away, no easing... no end of time."
"For God had his hand upon me before I knew who he was or even that he was."
"Some pain is just too deep. Grief can't be dissolved like rain washing dust off a roof."
"I had learned tears did no good. Some pain is just too deep."
"Why would he [the sin eater] carry so many burdens, knowing he would burn in hell for people who feared and despised him, who would never even look him in the face?"
"I had to seek the man out, whatever the cost."
"It's harder for the young to understand an end when they're just at the beginning with a long living stretching out ahead."
"I had sins enough upon my head without plaguing the poor old dear to death."
"I had to live with my sins, at least until I died and the sin eater could come and take them away."
"Why must I wait? Why must it ever be that way? Why can't the sin eater take my sins away now?"
"Ye ought not to run like that. Ye could step on a copperhead and be bit without even knowing it. It’s a slow, mean way to go."
"Once that happened, there weren’t nothing to do but wait for the end."
"Ye hadn’t oughta go looking for the sin eater, Cadi. I ain’t never seen my father afraid of nothing. But he’s afraid of him."
"Maybe he’s hurt you already and ye dunna know it."
"If the sin eater had cursed me, who else but the sin eater could undo it?"
"I was more miserable now than when I’d started the quest after the man I thought could save me."
"Being sorry ain’t enow. Ye ought to know that by now."
"The ungodly are not so! They are like chaff which the wind driveth away!"
"What good’s it gonna do? He doesna want to be found."
"The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars! Yea, The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness."
"No matter how deep the truth gets buried, it always comes to light."
"Ye live your life to please God Almighty. And ye hope, Cadi. Ye hope and ye pray that in the end he’ll forgive you."
"I’m sorry to be asking ye to take on more, Sin Eater, but I don’t know who else con help me."
"I cried unto thee. I laid down and slept and awaked again, for the Lord sustained me."
"He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."
"Ye can do right from here on, Cadi. That’s what ye do. Ye help other people without thinking about the cost to yourself."
"I reckoned God would make things right by morning. By then I’d be dead."
"Do not fear the one who can kill my body, but the one who can destroy the soul."
"The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as he, Brogan Kai."
"God made you upright, Brogan Kai, but you sought out many devices!"
"The ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he watches all his paths. Repent and be saved..."
"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord Jesus, Miz Elda. No good thing will he withhold from ye if ye love him."
"Every messenger God has sent to man, even his own Son, Jesus, has been rejected."
"The Lord would fight for such as me? How could I believe such an amazing thing? Yet, I did."
"I know the truth, and you will have it! Do ye think ye can take the place of God?"
"He was pierced through for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon him, and by his scourging we are healed."
"God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in him."
"Nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing . . ."
"Can ever separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"You can be saved," Fagan said. "You’ve only to accept Christ."
"All these years ye’ve lived an outcast, ye’ve cried out to God. Well, he is come. Receive him!"
"He loved you so much he delivered himself up for you," I pleaded. "Can ye not love him back?"
"God, forgive me. I’ll never stand in the way again."
"Jesus, my life is yours. Do with it as you will."
"For as much as we’re his children, we oughtn’t think that we can be saved by a man’s devices."
"If we confess, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Ye can lay your burdens down now, Granny. Ye can give them all to him, and he’ll give ye rest."
"Judge not, lest by your own measure will ye be judged, say-eth the Lord!"
"If I’ve anything to say about it, I’m the last sin eater this valley will ever know."
"Life and death are before ye. Which will ye choose?"