
Tracy Flick Can't Win Quotes

Tracy Flick Can't Win by Tom Perrotta

Tracy Flick Can't Win Quotes
"You’re on your own. That’s just the way it is."
"You have to be, if you’re going to accomplish anything in this world."
"The past is always looking over your shoulder, whispering things you don’t want to hear."
"I didn’t plan it out or think it through; I just saw an opportunity and grabbed it."
"If I’d known how much fun it was to be famous, I would’ve done it a long time ago."
"It takes a second or two before you realize you’re looking at a celebrity."
"That’s what I’m dealing with right now. It’s heavy, I’m not gonna lie."
"Maybe it doesn’t have to be her; maybe we can do better."
"It’s just kinda weird, right? Trying to make a new friend at our age?"
"It’s not that hard. You just have to get out of your comfort zone."
"You think you can just crumple me up and toss me in a trash can?"
"It didn’t matter that I was better... I couldn’t win."
"I went to a movie in the afternoon, and the world seems unreal when you come out."
"It felt like an ending—a proper goodbye—the closure that had been denied her for all those years."
"We’re not as enthusiastic as some of my colleagues."
"I rushed out the door, hurrying down the curving path to the driveway."
"It was such a relief, after all the playacting at my house."
"I felt a weird pressure behind my eyes, like maybe I was going to cry."
"I’d give you the gory details, but you can just google 'Obnoxious Drunk Driving Yoga Mom' and watch the whole thing on YouTube."
"My point is this: it takes a second or two before you realize you’re looking at a celebrity."
"I wasn’t prepared to call it love at first sight."
"They said she should rot in jail for the rest of her life."
"She was so open and unguarded, as if we were already friends."
"I woke up tired in the morning, and the feeling never lifted."
"You’ve got to do something. You can’t just let this happen."
"I could hear my mother’s voice echoing in my head."
"It felt grown-up in a way that none of my other relationships ever had."
"She’s been working in the main office for almost thirty years."
"She didn’t look like someone who watched a lot of makeup tutorials."
"It was the first night they’d ever spent together, and there wouldn’t be another."
"I wanted them to visit, to show them around Green Meadow."
"I will," he said. "If it starts getting bad again."
"That’s the way it goes," I told him. "No man’s a hero in his own house."
"It felt like we were pretty much in the same place in our lives."
"You knew I was feeling a little down, and you baked my favorite cookies for me."
"It was so lame, something a child would say."
"I see what you’re doing here. And I won’t allow it."
"I wanted to confront Kyle, but I didn’t trust myself."
"I felt like an ending—a proper goodbye—the closure that had been denied her for all those years."
"I was happy to hear her voice. I’d been having a rough week."
"I’m sorry," she said. "I’m sorry he did that to you."
"I thought maybe some tiny part of him was still awake in there."
"I wanted to show her around, give her the guided tour of his childhood haunts."
"He was waiting in Baggage Claim, holding an iPad with Vito’s name on it."
"I wore a black cocktail dress to the ceremony."
"I was almost relieved, the way you are when you forget a name and then it comes back to you."
"You couldn’t curse out the Superintendent and call the Board President a lying backstabber and expect to keep your job."
"I would perform that task the same way I’d performed a thousand other important tasks during my tenure at GMHS, with quiet competence and unstinting professionalism."
"I have no idea what you’re talking about. But sometimes people reap what they sow."
"That’s funny, I told him. I made the exact same mistake."
"It would have served them right if I’d stayed home, left them in the lurch at the last minute, but I was too proud and stubborn for that."
"I believed in fame and power—and I thought those things would save me."
"There’s no such thing as immortality; all our striving is in vain."
"We live in human time, not geological time, and that we have a duty as humans to honor the people among us who’ve performed great deeds."
"It helps being in a new place, surrounded by people who’ve never even heard of Green Meadow High School."
"You can’t live through something like that and stay the same."
"I was shot twice, once in the shoulder and once in the hip. I’m still in a fair amount of pain."
"I’m not really mad at him anymore. Sometimes I even miss him."
"Going where I’m needed, doing what I can to make things better, trying to be of service."