
Instant Karma Quotes

Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer

Instant Karma Quotes
"It's just ten minutes of your life, Prudence, and then it will be over and you can move on. Just ten minutes. You can do this."
"Our beaches and coastal waters are home to many remarkable species."
"We are so lucky here in Fortuna Beach to have access to such thriving marine life."
"Efficiency. Whatever food I passed by could just get swept down my throat. I’d never have to chew or stop to eat."
"I’m a busy guy, Prudence. But I’ll do my best."
"It’s only four minutes of your life. You can do this."
"The elementary and middle school terms ended yesterday, making this Penny’s and Lucy’s first official day of summer vacation."
"I generally try to avoid the living room, because over the years it’s become a bit of a junkyard."
"I know she might not be thrilled," says Quint. "Tell me, is it the C that’s most upsetting or that my individual grade is higher than yours?"
"I’ll put some Spray ’n Wash on it and we’ll hope for the best."
"If it had been Jude, she would have passed it to him on a silver platter."
"I wanted to make pancakes for your last day."
"I don’t know, honey. There are five growing kids in this family."
"It’s a family business, you know. And you are a part of this family."
"This is only five minutes of my life. In the grand scheme of things, five minutes is nothing, right? And that's all I have to get through, then it will be over."
"I know your biology teacher was very supportive of Quint’s time here."
"The only reason I can do it is because I practice and practice and practice."
"I think I'd be a pretty kickass big brother."
"One man’s wasted time is another man’s hobby, I guess."
"You ever think you might be too hard to please?"
"This isn’t a cause that means anything to me. They’re just cows. They’re just food."
"We’ll have things to do and all you ever want is to goof off."
"Most people have good intentions, they just lack initiative."
"If you can find something to transport it in."
"I usually won’t even bother to pick up a penny."
"Prudence, I will protect you from the sharks."
"But that isn’t an option. I have to save this one."
"I’m a perfectionist. I like being in control of things."
"But if I get eaten by a shark, I swear to you on my dad’s first issue of The White Album that my bloody, half-devoured corpse will haunt you until the end of time."
"I’m not sure it’s anybody’s color, but it was the printer’s cheapest option."
"I was, in fact, hoping for a show of chauvinism."
"I’m the one who’s jealous that you have siblings. You won’t get any pity from me."
"What if, by trying to punish my whole family at once for their barbarity, the universe decides to burn our house down or something?"
"I know what people think about me. I get it."
"Why should I? So I can hear more about how difficult I am?"
"You can’t possibly know that you won’t screw it up?"
"Okay," I say, a ferocious new conviction filling me. "We’ll come to you."
"We’re here from the Fortuna Beach Sea Animal Rescue Center."
"I’m not saying I’m glad that Lennon washed ashore, but I’ll take all the publicity we can get."
"I wonder how many times he’s been through this. How many rescues he’s seen. I wonder how many he’s watched die, after trying so very hard to save them."
"Our hope is that this beautiful sea lion won’t be with us at the center for long, but will very soon be brought back here, to his home."
"I’m really sorry. I don’t think anyone’s turned in anything like that."
"I wonder if that karaoke lady will be there again?"
"I’m happy to see you, too. You seem to be doing a lot better than you were yesterday."
"Getting to know each other is a play, testing each other’s limits."
"You either love animals or you don’t! They’re all deserving of life!"
"Every year could be bigger and better than the last."
"It’s hard to know when enough is enough, or how to prioritize my time."
"The beauty of planning an event for a nonprofit."
"All that time, I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. But the universe could. The universe knew."
"Business is fascinating. The psychology of why and how people spend their money, the reasons why some businesses fail and others keep going strong..."
"I can’t imagine working as hard as Rosa, or my parents for that matter, and still having so little to show for it, no matter how much I love my work."
"If I can impress people, then maybe they won’t notice that I’m not witty or beautiful or… fun."
"With enough diligence and effort, you can make anything happen."
"My parents bring us more joy than any amount of money ever could."
"If I can trade some of our old junk in order to make your childhoods a little brighter, I will in a heartbeat."
"This seems like a rather inconvenient time," says Shauna, chuckling, "We are in the middle of throwing a party."
"Shauna is right," Rosa says. "I need to keep mingling with our guests."
"This will only take a minute," says Quint. "And it can’t wait."
"But I suppose you already know that, don’t you?" She gives me a look, and I bristle.
"I don’t want to make a scene," he says. "But this is important. Please."
"You stole that money, just like you stole money from your last job, just like you’ve stolen the donations from tonight’s ticket sales."
"Is this true?" She looks at Shauna, dismayed.
"Of course not," Shauna spits, and it’s easily the worst lie she’s ever told.
"You are easily one of the most difficult people I’ve ever known."
"That’s enough, Shauna," says Rosa, her voice sharp. "Besides, this isn’t the lawsuit you should be worried about."
"I think we’ll do okay," says Rosa. "We might finally be able to flourish, without you draining the funds every chance you get."
"You were very brave to come here tonight, especially after everything that happened."
"You just serenaded me in front of all those people. How much harder would you like me to make it?"
"Just trying to build up my good karma points."
"I swear I can feel the universe smiling back."