
Call Me Maybe Quotes

Call Me Maybe by Cara Bastone

Call Me Maybe Quotes
"You’ve reached Curio Customer Service. My name is Cal. How can I help you today?"
"I just have to pull over. Just let me get off the road. Jeez! Where’d you learn to drive, you lunatic!?!"
"I am definitely not doing that . . . How about we just don’t talk until you pull over somewhere safe?"
"Good, because do you have any idea how long I’ve been listening to that horrible hold music? Three hours and forty-five minutes."
"If you’re somewhere unsafe we can definitely—"
"All your—Good lord! You have . . . forty-three open browser tabs."
"In addition to teaching you about bookmarks, at the end of this phone call we’re gonna go over some basic identity safety precautions."
"Oh, sorry. I was getting lost in problem-solving mode already. I haven’t seen an issue like this before."
"A bunch of letters and numbers in weird alien script all bunched up together."
"It’ll come back on in just a minute. Better than new."
"It’s all articles I want to read and shopping carts I haven’t purchased. Websites I don’t want to forget about. That kind of thing."
"How about the green menu bar at the top left?"
"I’m about six seconds from gnawing off my own paw."
"He’s single-handedly fixing websites and saving Curio from being bombed with one-star reviews."
"This is my version of hell is forever building my website."
"I’m not joking. He hates me except for when he gets lonely in the middle of the night and then he loves me so much he nearly suffocates me."
"I’m too tired. I’m just going to lie on this couch for the rest of my life."
"If I was just sending the most universal stuff in all of them, people would get pretty bored with the service."
"You have no idea. It’s so interesting to me."
"This is the best customer service call of all time."
"I'm not married does NOT mean I don't have a girlfriend."
"I do NOT need to make things complicated for my business right now."
"It's freeing to be friends with someone who is so comfortable in every situation."
"I wanted to. I wanted to fix this problem with your site, Vera. I really don't want you to go to that expo feeling unprepared."
"I’m like that lady in When a Stranger Calls. The call is coming from inside the house..."
"Sometimes a person sticks in your head. And not always for the right reasons."
"The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."
"Someone sent you a threatening email and that is making you want to meet them in person? Are you nuts!?"
"Because stranger-danger is real and kind of common. Cat menacers are... very rare."
"Don’t pass Go. Do not collect three hundred dollars. Go home, tuck your ass into bed, and get a security system installed."
"I’m going to eat some dumplings and drink some beer in fifteen minutes. Doctor’s orders."
"The future of my business may just depend on it!"
"I don’t want to hide in my apartment anymore."
"Being with someone you love should fill you with light and warmth."
"You shouldn’t be homesick for someone when they’re standing directly in front of you."