
A Dance Of Cloaks Quotes

A Dance Of Cloaks by David Dalglish

A Dance Of Cloaks Quotes
"The silence was heavy, broken only by his occasional cough."
"The boredom was far worse than his previous instructor’s constant beatings and shouts."
"He had always stayed in corners and shadows, greatly preferring to watch people talk than take part in their conversation."
"Even with his love of isolation and quiet, this was…"
"The light hurt his eyes, and during the brief blindness, his teacher slipped inside and shut the door."
"You may know a punch is coming, but does that mean you can stop it?"
"You’re the heir to Thren Felhorn, one of the most feared men in all of Veldaren."
"Whether coin, gem, or food, a thief will always have something to steal."
"He expected more time to pass, but it seemed people had gotten more impatient as Robert grew older."
"He sees spooks in the shadows and jumps with every clap of thunder."
"To be sure, they’ll spend their gold, sometimes frivolously and without good reason. But even in giving away their coin, they are still master of it. But to have it taken? That is unacceptable to them."
"The nights had grown darker and silent over the past years, as the war between the thieves and the Trifect claimed more than its share of innocent casualties."
"The metal melted and smoked purple after each cut, helpless before a powerful magic."
"Escape was all that mattered now, she realized."
"Your life is precious. Follow me into the night."
"Stay silent. Not a word until we leave the gate."
"Perhaps this war has made fools of everyone."
"Every action has its cost. Are you prepared to pay?"
"We steal from the Trifect, and then our men spend it on wine, food, clothes."
"We're not an army, no matter how much Thren wants to pretend otherwise."
"Thren would not have stolen as much in twenty years as they have spent in the past five."
"The only reason the guilds and the Trifect bathe our streets in blood is because we let them. We turn blind eyes to underhanded dealings. We keep still tongues about guards we know take bribes."
"Sometimes even the most clever man can outsmart himself. You don’t build an elaborate maze to kill a roach. You crush it with your heel."
"Night and day we bemoan the fate dealt to us. How many of you fear walking the streets at night? How many of you bite your tongues for fear of earning poison in your wine or death inside your bread?"
"You must understand that I do what Karak desires of me. This decision is not mine, but his."
"Remember, women are a weakness to you. I want you pure, Aaron. I want you perfect. No strong drink will touch your lips. No womanly flesh will your hands caress."
"Every home, every run-down business, brings us profit. The businesses pay us protection money so we will not rob their stores."
"We are the faceless. There are only three of us, all priestesses of Karak, and all expelled. We are considered slaves to our sex, so weak and vile that we must live outside the temple with the rest of the sinful world."
"Never let him find it. Keep it hidden. Keep it safe. Wait until you’re truly alone."
"We deny righteousness in fear of our own safety, and in doing so forfeit the future of our children."
"Please, Ashhur, please give him back," Aaron heard the girl beg. "Ashhur, please, I can't, I can't…"
"Everything good about mankind? Everything we wish we were and most often fail to be, Aaron," said Robert.
"You have plenty of growing up to do," Thren said to him. "You wanted to be at my side, and now you are. Start living up to your expectations."
"We all die, son. The question is, who are we when we do?" Robert said.
"I don’t want them taxed. I want them arrested," said Kayla.
"Until my death, I will hunt them," he whispered. "No child of Karak is greater than his master."
"You act as if I speak of threats beyond the Kulls’ own camp. It is Yoren who might do something unfortunate should he fear you attempting to flee."
"Yes, yes. Of course. Your true love. That is why you flinch just before he touches you at night."
"Sometimes we must share a bed for reasons other than love."
"If you think Yoren gives you any of that, then you are as big a fool as he."
"What else am I to do? My father will have banished me, blaming me for the attempt on his life you damn women made."
"There are two types of mercenaries. Those who work only for coin, and those who think for themselves."
"I’d rather risk the wild, rather go to my father and throw myself at his feet and beg for mercy."
"You will not run. Running gets you a knife in the back. But a lord’s daughter stands tall, dagger in hand."
"I understand this far more than you can understand, Alyssa. But it will not repeat itself, not this time."
"I prayed, and people died. Hardly mercy. Ashhur’s not even real. He’s just a fucking dream."
"We want her safe, you damn simpletons. She is our own protection against Maynard Gemcroft."
"Never abandon as hopeless something you’ve never tried."
"They don’t decide your life. That isn’t their right."
"To be expected. Many things are strange here."
"What is real, Aaron? What do you know is real?"
"No one else must kill him. That pleasure will be mine, and mine alone."
"We tread a dangerous line, and you will find no help in either Kull or Gemcroft."
"I’ve had enough training to deal with someone as slow as you."
"It’ll be a moment, then. They’re coming. Spiders crawl all over the place."
"I’m no coward... This city belongs to no one."