
Too Good To Be True Quotes

Too Good To Be True by Carola Lovering

Too Good To Be True Quotes
"It’s how I’ve asked for my eggs every time since we began dating six months ago."
"The fear that my forty-six-year-old boyfriend might be developing early-onset Alzheimer’s suddenly seizes every square inch of my brain."
"For time-management purposes, I should really avoid buying wooden furniture in the future."
"When a goose loses its mate, it circles and calls endlessly for the one that’s never coming back."
"I never had a Burke, not until six months ago."
"It’s a peaceful, uncomplicated feeling when you know that what you have with someone is a forever kind of thing."
"I never realized just how much planning goes into a wedding."
"People fall in love and get engaged. Sometimes it happens quickly."
"Fucking Skye reminds me of fucking Heather during the early years."
"I figured I would tell you. We’re starting to spend more time together, and it’s obviously a part of who I am."
"I think love is like that sometimes, Dr. K. It’s like finally finding the trail again when you’ve been lost."
"You realize that you’ve got nothing much to lose and everything to gain, and you just fucking go for it."
"Gold diggers aren’t vacuous; they work hard for the life they get."
"You’ve got to outsmart the motherfucking system."
"People always say money doesn’t buy happiness, but that’s bullshit and you know it, Dr. K."
"I can give her a whirlwind romance and a diamond ring and the promise of a future."
"You know it’s not worth going against Gammy in these situations."
"You hope for the best, but when you commit to a marriage, it’s always a risk."
"After all the money in your savings on a single dinner, you just can’t ignore that kind of information."
"Being defined by her family’s money doesn’t bother Lexy the way it bothers me."
"I’ve forgotten how Lexy brings out the party-girl side of Andie."
"Warm, kind, dependable Burke, whom I love with every fiber in my body."
"I’m glad you see that," he said after a few moments. "Skye is an extraordinary young woman. Complex, but extraordinary."
"That afternoon I bought a vintage three-stone ring: a round-cut diamond in the middle framed by two sapphires on a platinum band."
"The older he gets, the harder it’s going to be for him to learn," she explained.
"I am a married man. Twice over, actually, but let’s keep that between you and me."
"Andie keeps talking. 'Don’t worry about that stupid game today. I just thought you’d want to play it because everyone else always does, but it’s dumb.'"
"If I tried to save Gus, we would both drown."
"We’re in it together. I’ll be right beside you, every step of the way."
"I cradled New York in the palm of my hand; pushed its image to the front of my thoughts."
"When you die, do you inhale your last breath, or is it an exhale?"
"I can't describe it to you, Goose, the relief of knowing that I'll have you in my life forever."
"Your heart is broken, Skye," she says eventually. "Even though the circumstances are outrageous, it doesn’t negate the heartbreak."
"I know her." He speaks slowly, placing the phone down carefully, as though it were a ticking bomb.
"But it’s hard to be kind to yourself when you want to rip your hair out for being so stupid."
"The sensation is similar now; the appeal of spring rolls is laughable because the day before yesterday I had a husband and today my husband doesn’t exist."
"Love isn’t enough. You can love someone completely, and it still isn’t enough to make it work."
"I’ve witnessed enough in my forty-five years on this planet to know that unfortunately love isn’t enough, not even close."
"Even when it felt impossible, I’d always admired Heather’s approach to raising our children."
"You deserve to know that I loved you when I married you, and that I still love you. I know that’s not enough."
"Sometimes I imagine that our apartment is our own little cocoon, sealed off from the rest of the world."
"Aside from my children, you are the only person I’ve ever met who has shown me that painful things don’t have to harden you."
"I feel as though I’m in some sort of dream, tiptoeing the line between conception and delivery."
"People never want to break apart. But when they do, there’s no way to stop it."
"We’re the only family each other has, Burke. Remember?"
"I just thought we’d get away to Italy and have this magical time, and I’d have some space, the chance to clear my head, and then I’d deal with it all when we got back."
"You know, I’d been divorced for eleven years when I met your father. I didn’t want to fall for him. I’d always known I didn’t want to be with a widower, not if he had kids."
"The more Facebook friends you had, the cooler you were."
"Love is a mystery. But I believe you’ll find a way to answer that question yourself."
"The current dynamic makes it hard for us to have a real … friendship. You know what I mean?"
"I didn’t even have to show Burke the balance in our bank account or on our credit card statements. He already knew our finances had never been direr."
"I have to admit, after all these years, I'm a little out of practice."
"I wish I could tell you what to do, but I can’t. But be gentle towards yourself. The truth will come."
"Being scared is a part of this journey called life. And sometimes fear has something to teach us."
"My mom used to say that it’s important to keep your side of the street clean."
"You and I have more in common than I ever expected."
"I can’t stay long, just choose. Do you want the money?"
"Somewhere between five and eight years. That’s five to eight years of my life I’ll never get back."
"You’ve been good to me in these last years of my life. You’re a good person, Heather Michaels."
"Love doesn’t just evaporate overnight, Burke."
"You did that for me, Burke. And I don’t know if we should be together, I really don’t."