
The Meaning Of Mariah Carey Quotes

The Meaning Of Mariah Carey by Mariah Carey

The Meaning Of Mariah Carey Quotes
"My intention was to keep her safe, but perhaps I have only succeeded in keeping her prisoner."
"She’s been scared and alone for so long, and yet through all the darkness, she’s never lost her light."
"I am a grown woman now, with a little girl and boy of my own. I have seen, I have been scared, I have been scarred, and I have survived."
"This book is a testimony to the resilience of silenced little girls and boys everywhere."
"There was a time in my early childhood when I didn’t believe I was worthy of being alive."
"My whisper-singing was my secret lullaby to myself."
"When you sing it sounds like there are instruments with you. There’s music all around your voice."
"I saw how my voice could make other people feel something good inside, something magical and transformative."
"I have always carried a heavy blanket with which I cover up large pieces of my childhood."
"The realization you don’t have a space where you fit in."
"It took twelve cops to pull my brother and father apart."
"I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need."
"I understood on a soul level that no matter what happened to me, or around me, something lived inside me that I could always call on."
"I wanted to write a song that would make me happy and make me feel like a loved, carefree young girl at Christmas."
"My happiest hours as a little girl were around that piano."
"Letting go ain’t easy, it’s just exceedingly hurtful."
"Healthy, powerful love illuminated the dark spots and unearthed buried hurt."
"The first chapter of Marilyn Monroe’s autobiography is entitled 'How I Rescued a White Piano.'"
"Singing was a form of escapism for me, and writing was a form of processing."
"I have a distinct memory of one night when we were riding back from the city. I was looking out the back window at the New York City skyline, and I said to myself, This is where I’m going to live when I grow up. I want to have this view."
"You should only hope that one day you become half the singer I am."
"Your creativity and performances are superb. You present your compositions with a depth of feeling that is rarely, if ever, seen or heard."
"I guess to my mother, I may not have been half the singer she was, but I was the whole singer and artist I was."
"The scars I carry from my sister are not just a reminder, they are lessons."
"I always hoped and wished Alison would get better, so we could get better."
"I’ll never forget her bizarre combined baby and bridal shower at my mother’s house."
"I never dreamed I’d get married and live in a big white Victorian house, or even a cozy little home like my guncles. But I did envision something grand."
"She wades in insecurity and hides herself inside of me."
"I never knew what happened between her and Henry, and I never saw him after that day."
"I felt his grip was steadily choking me off from my essence. I was disappearing in installments."
"No proper shoes upon my feet, Sometimes I couldn’t even eat, I often cried myself to sleep."
"I once was lost, But now I’m found, I got my feet on solid ground, Thank you, Lord."
"So when you feel like hope is gone, Look inside you and be strong, And you’ll finally see the truth, That a hero lies in you."
"I was a wayward child, With the weight of the world, That I held deep inside. Life was a winding road, And I learned many things, Little ones shouldn’t know."
"Once, I was a prisoner, Lost inside myself, With the world surrounding me."
"If this is the super, we need some help here! We have flies in our cats’ tails. There’s no hot water."
"I certainly knew how to live with fear. I didn’t know life without fear."
"I’d learned how to endure disappointment and carry on, to make the best of things and keep working."
"Thankfully, the house was on the beach, and being near the ocean is always a comfort to me."
"His image? I mean, why go through all of that grandiosity for some little corner picture?"
"Of course our wedding should have been a big cover story. It was planned that way—this was show business!"
"I just started running aimlessly down the beach, tears streaming down my face."
"The little bit of hope I’d had that getting married would change him washed away like footprints in the sand."
"I ordered some sweet and sorry frozen daiquiri."
"I was just sitting pretty on a throne in my thirty-million-dollar mansion."
"Everyone whose job it was to look after me had deep connections to him."
"I was very young and inexperienced when Tommy met me; he knew so much more about a lot of things."
"I always kept my tears inside because I knew if I started I’d keep crying for the rest of my life with you."
"I was the voice of the label, making all kinds of profits and shares for him, and yet I couldn’t have a voice at the dinner table."
"I just believed everything that you told me."
"I was scared that I’d become much more than you could handle."
"I was so caught up in the moment, I couldn’t bear to let you go yet."
"I threw caution to the wind and started listening to my longing heart."
"I had never had any real fun in such a long time, and Da Brat was a one-woman party."
"I couldn’t even get myself a sympathy drink to cry into."
"Sometimes I wondered if she couldn’t even tolerate my achievements."
"I was the recipient of the 1999 Horizon Award, which is given for charitable work focused on promoting personal development in young people."
"I often felt like there was an undertow of jealousy pulling on her smile."
"I had my mother all dolled up: hair, nails, professional makeup."
"The one thing everyone knew not to do was what my mother was now fully engaged in."
"I cried alone in the back of a limo, hugging an award from my country."
"Being Mariah Carey is a job—my job—and I had to get back to it."
"I needed someone to light the way out of the darkness."
"I was wounded, but I got myself back to my penthouse in Manhattan."
"I was so weak. I thought maybe I would just be able to get a little sleep."
"I am so grateful to have met my pastor, Bishop Clarence Keaton, when I did."
"Having a family in God brought me back to my life in the Light."
"My family didn’t change. One of the definitions of insanity, it’s often said, is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results."
"I treasure the few possessions he left me: his bronzed baby shoes, family photos, letters, an ashtray, two African sculptures."
"I don’t ever know where strength will come from."
"I give a lot of credit to L.A. Reid, who by then had become a friend, for the success of Mimi."
"I initially started writing in the Bahamas and laid down some vocals there."
"I begged him not to leave yet. 'Can we write this?'"
"We went out to the dance floor, and our little selves moved in a waltzlike sway until the song broke out into the bright and happy up-tempo part."
"I had always had an ocean of gratitude that will water me forever."
"The first time I met Ms. Franklin was at the Grammys."
"There’s so much more left to say if you were with me today face to face."
"I knew my father and I got down to the business of talking things through."
"The sun was rising as the background vocals were peaking: 'Carry me higher! Higher!' I closed my eyes, knowing God had laid His hand on the song and on me."
"I loved those sessions. I’m glad I was able to arrange that, because I needed a palate-cleansing moment."
"Mariah, someday, you’re not gonna want to have all these people around you."
"What color are the lights on the Christmas tree? What do they look like?"
"I think that’s just her shit. That’s what she really likes."
"Of all the musicians and all the music I’ve been inspired by, Stevie Wonder would have to be my favorite."
"Our relationship changed that. We talked very seriously about having children, and that changed everything."
"The whole world is pink yet lavender when you’re in a good swirl."
"In that moment, "Mr. Wonder-full" showed me how not to take the simple things for granted."