
The Perfect Couple Quotes

The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand

The Perfect Couple Quotes
"A phone call before six on a Saturday morning is never a good thing."
"He often feels he’s too old for the enormous responsibility of raising teenagers. And impressing them is most certainly beyond him."
"The Chief closes his eyes. Dickson had been the one to tell the Chief that Tess and Greg were dead."
"Greer Garrison Winbury thrives on tradition, protocol, and decorum."
"Life is about seizing the moments, about getting out there and not being afraid to take a chance."
"It’s as if Celeste doesn’t care about the wedding. At all."
"Celeste Otis, the assistant director of the Bronx Zoo, but today I’m wearing my World of Reptiles hat."
"The Chief flashes back to the day he found out Tess and Greg were dead."
"I’ve had brides vomit and faint; I even had a groomsman eat a mussel and go into anaphylactic shock."
"Tag maintains—untruthfully—that he has no interest in brunettes."
"Nantucket's charm is most easily found offshore."
"When you start with the best, the future offers only disappointment."
"There is nothing more terrible than the ferocity with which humans can love."
"If you want to know the truth about a person, just look through his or her phone."
"The charitable acts that count the most are those done without anyone knowing."
"The experiences Benji is showing her, while extraordinary, are messing with her head."
"The elevator fills with the scent of the Burmese food, but Celeste’s appetite is quelled by a sudden case of nerves."
"An elevator into his apartment. Did she know places like this existed?"
"The apartment has been professionally decorated and it’s immaculately clean."
"She didn’t even know diagonal bookshelves existed, but now all she wants in the world... are diagonal bookshelves."
"The fruit in that bowl probably costs as much as everything in Celeste’s apartment."
"She cringes when she thinks of the vintage zoo posters that she had framed at great expense."
"She presses her hands against the window, then removes them; she doesn’t want to leave prints."
"How could you possibly think that? It… it… defies my humble vocabulary."
"My parents pay for it. They offered it to me and I couldn’t say no."
"There’s nobility in that, Celeste sees, a nobility and an ethic that’s missing when one lives in an apartment that could easily cost seven or eight thousand dollars a month, paid for by one’s parents."
"We should appreciate this place while we can."
"A brownstone uptown, Celeste thinks sardonically. Of course; the next logical step."
"She tried to explain to him that she grew up sheltered, more sheltered than the most sheltered person he knows."
"What do you get for a woman who has literally everything? Bring her really good olive oil. It’s more interesting than wine."
"The first time I flew, I was eight years old. My parents were sending me to summer camp in Vermont. Every time I fly I have an atavistic reaction to the memory of that day. The day I realized my parents wanted to get rid of me."
"She had never understood the phrase salt of the earth, but it sounded like something you said about someone you knew was beneath you."
"It’s not fair to stay with him when she doesn’t love him."
"I wasn’t sure you felt the same way. But believe me, please, when I say I love you. I love you, Celeste Otis."
"Forget the Whaling Museum. Let's go to the beach." - Laney
"I just wanted to finish my cigar, enjoy the evening." - Tag
"You need to relax, bro. The police will sort this out." - Thomas
"I'm mostly concerned for Celeste. This has blindsided her." - Benji
"She accepted me, she loved me, she took care of me." - Celeste
"We were both involved with married men." - Featherleigh
"We were there to commiserate, not confess." - Featherleigh
"If he’d used the kayak ride to drown our girl, he would have made damn sure he locked the kayak up when he got back. Right?" - Chief of Police
"We’ve been together too long, endured too much." - Greer
"We all have flaws we try to hide, darling. Secrets we try to keep."
"That’s exactly right. You’re human and human beings make mistakes and act in all kinds of ways we shouldn’t."
"They lie for a living. They make up stories."
"I could wait all day... because I was with Karen."
"I have never felt this way about anyone before."
"Their love is real, strong but flexible; it's unfussy and unvarnished."
"Every single decision you make has a consequence."