
The Painted Veil Quotes

The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham

The Painted Veil Quotes
"I always find it more difficult to say the things I mean than the things I don’t."
"Most people, as far as I can see, when they’re in love with some one and the love isn’t returned feel that they have a grievance. They grow angry and bitter. I wasn’t like that."
"I never expected you to love me, I didn’t see any reason that you should, I never thought myself very lovable."
"I suppose he’s not bad at his job and every one says he’s a good sportsman. He doesn’t very much interest me."
"It’s absurd. If you think you ought to go it’s your own lookout. But really you can’t expect me to."
"I say, my dear, you really mustn’t come here in working hours."
"Oh, my dear, I have a boy of fifteen. I’m a middle-aged gent. In another two or three years I shall just be a fat old party."
"You know, I’ve danced with you at least a dozen times now and you must tell me your name."
"You know, when you ask me to get my wife, to whom I'm very much attached, to divorce me, and ruin my career by marrying you, you're asking a good deal."
"I suppose if I were you I'd leave well alone, Kitty. I don't think any good will come of talking about what we should do much better to forget."
"You know, other things being equal, there's nothing in this world I'd love more than to marry you. But it's quite out of the question."
"But, good God, I'm not going to let you down. We've got in an awful scrape and I'm going to do everything that's humanly possible to get you out of it."
"I'm sure you'd have no difficulty in bearing any inconvenience that I had to suffer."
"After all, it's not only you that are concerned, I'm concerned too."
"My dear, you must be reasonable. We'd much better face the situation frankly."
"The only difference is that you don't love me."
"Of course I love you. You surely can't have any doubt of that now."
"Oh, my dear, it's rather hard to take quite literally the things a man says when he's in love with you."
"And what's to happen to me if Walter divorces me?"
"I think you're attaching too much importance to a few lettuce leaves."
"It must have seemed an age to him before she answered. She rose slowly to her feet."
"I don't know whether you'll understand what I mean. That sort of thing doesn't mean very much to a woman when it's over."
"I think it's rather hard on me to put it like that. As far as I can make out your husband is behaving very generously."
"Of course if it does you any good to put all the blame on me you may."
"What a question to ask. After all, it's not only you that are concerned, I'm concerned too."
"I don't think there's any great risk if you take proper precautions."
"I wonder what his proofs really are. I don't know how he can actually prove that we were together in that room."
"You must know that everything that concerns you concerns me."
"He's got his little flirtations, but they're not serious."
"I don’t think you realise how angry Walter is. You haven’t seen his face and the look of his eyes."
"I wonder if he wants you to go, under the circumstances I don’t see how you can very well refuse."
"Why did you tell me that she meant nothing to you?"
"It's rather a chance for him if you come to think of it."
"I don’t pretend that Meitan-fu is a health resort, I never knew a Chinese city that was, but there’s no reason to get the wind up about it."
"I may not have to leave the service, but there’ll always be a black mark against me."
"I’m afraid you’ve been awfully upset, poor little woman. It’s too bad."
"This is a bloody mess we’ve got into, but it’s no good losing our heads. Crying isn’t going to do us any good, you know."
"You were the loveliest little thing I’d seen for years. I just fell madly in love with you."
"I believe as many people die from sheer fright in an epidemic as because they get infected."
"You don’t ask for a pearl necklace or a sable coat at a booth in a fair; you ask for a tin trumpet and a toy balloon."
"I have wondered if the nuns would allow me to go and work at the convent. They are very shorthanded and if I could be of any help I should be grateful to them."
"It's only a few weeks that I've been here and it seems a lifetime."
"He who strives after tenderness can become even as a little child."
"Failure is the foundation of success and success is the lurking-place of failure."
"If by a word of hers she could bring him back to life she would say it."
"Freedom! That was the thought that sung in her heart."
"I want to bring her up so that she's free and can stand on her own feet."