
Tokyo Ever After Quotes

Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

Tokyo Ever After Quotes
"It is the sacred duty of best friends to convince you to do the things you should not do."
"You’re never going to finish this. You tried. You really tried."
"Hello, consequences of my own actions. We meet again, old friend."
"I can’t ditch the assignment. I need it to pass the class."
"If white people can learn Klingon, they can learn to pronounce your name."
"I have no idea how to get hold of him now, but we did have mutual friends."
"You didn’t want a life with my father so you chose something else, but I never got to choose."
"I’m still sorting through my emotions, picking at the scab of my anger."
"I’m sure it’s not the worst thing in the world if you miss a week or two of school."
"Welcome to Narita International Airport. The current temperature is fourteen degrees Celsius."
"I’ve stared down bulls in Spain and haven’t felt as frightened as I do in this moment. My hands are shaking."
"Tokyo. Formerly Edo, almost destroyed by the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, then again in 1944 by nighttime firebombing raids."
"A man shouldn’t have to read about what his child likes on paper."
"I’d rather hear your answers than read them. What are your hobbies?"
"I dabble in a few things, but nothing has caught my eye yet. Except for baking. I’m an excellent baker."
"My room might give you suffocating-in-garbage stress dreams."
"Your life would have been very different if you’d been raised here."
"You’re like me. When I was a boy, I was very organized."
"We practice bowing and different ways to say thank you."
"Are you ready to step out of the celestial limelight?"
"You’re right. We, as a society, probably don’t discuss that enough."
"Sometimes you just don’t want the headache, you know?"
"You know of gimu. But have you studied ninjō?"
"I used to think the world belonged to me. But I was wrong. I belong to the world."
"I guess sometimes, our choices have to reflect that."
"The earth forgets but I will always remember karaoke bars, pharmacies and cups of tea, and plates of dorayaki."
"Staring at the clouds, I find it impossible to walk, to run… to stay. How to remain grounded when I am always filled with sky?"
"The sour feelings toward my father have eased, too. I am woman enough to admit when I am wrong."
"If I could, I would take your sorrows and bury them deep."
"I am breathless. The night seems blissfully endless."
"This is my idea. There’s a saying: if you can’t beat them, join them."
"I don’t keep my room clean. Mom has to force me to do laundry. My grades are mediocre at best."
"If I may. I have a suggestion on what I’d like to do."
"You’ll screw up. The papers will report it. Your life won’t feel like your own at times."
"I have strong feelings on the institution of monarchies. They conflict with my fundamental egalitarian values."
"Instead of pushing my fear away, I allow it in to roam free, sniff around, see there is no danger as long as I tell the truth."
"God grant me the confidence of someone having an entire conversation on speakerphone in public."
"Summer has descended on Tokyo, sticky and sweet."
"A girl has a right to change her mind. Don’t try to paint me into a corner. Evolving is part of life."
"It won’t be easy to balance imperial responsibilities, uphold traditions, and stay true to myself. But it can be done. I will it to be so."
"My friend was the one who found the inscription in the book."
"I am constantly learning, which means I will make more mistakes. All I ask is for people to be patient with me."
"Technically, the photographs were of private moments. I won’t deny they happened. But I also won’t go into any detail."
"You are a world unto yourself. Build your own space. One meant uniquely for you."
"Izumi, you are a world unto yourself. Build your own space. One meant uniquely for you."