
Found Quotes

Found by Karen Kingsbury

Found Quotes
"Never mind that it was just a deposition. A crew of news vans and photographers surrounded the entrance to the Los Angeles Superior Court this January morning, hoping for a glimpse of the star they couldn’t get enough of."
"The past few months had been the loneliest of his life."
"Life at any stage, any season, very young or very old, healthy or sick. Life is God’s to give, God’s to take."
"The peace he’d found in Bloomington wouldn’t last if he went back to his old ways."
"The film’s PG-13, so I’m thinking something less see-through."
"But the God of the Bible was the same God claimed by his parents, the Baxters, and Katy Hart."
"The same clear blue eyes he’d connected with from the balcony of the Bloomington Community Theater back in November."
"He wasn’t about to ask Katy if she wanted to go somewhere, spend some time together before she left."
"When you swing your sword, you have to look like you’re swinging it with all your might."
"Of course his girlfriend is pregnant. She was living with him. I mean, what was I thinking? I need to stop dwelling on him."
"How do you talk to a guy when you literally can’t see eye to eye?"
"I guess I just have this dream that somehow we’ll all be together at the reunion."
"We need to beg God for contact of some kind so you’ll know."
"Some of the best-tasting carcinogens out there."
"I need to make more of an effort to forget about Katy."
"Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have the baby on my own."
"I wish I knew whether it was Kelly Parker or Katy Hart who was making you look like this."
"I was driving here this morning, and you know that little white church across from the park?"
"She was brilliant on camera, Matthews. Every week I’m tempted to call her, just to get her in one of my films."
"We had sex. I got pregnant. I had an abortion."
"Our baby was growing inside you, the first child for both of us."
"Your life is so complicated, Dayne. So difficult."
"You’re not an image. It’s not what you represent that draws me to you. It’s what lives inside you."
"I’ve wanted to hold you like this since I got here."
"There’s no one else in my life who prays for me."
"Because in here you need to find what matters most."
"My relationship with Christ. That’s what matters most."
"Keep praying for me, Katy. I’m not sure I understand it, but I like it."
"My precious son... I have drawn you with an everlasting love."
"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"Friday nights were always the longest—especially with Saturday morning rehearsal just nine hours away."
"Miss you more than you know. We need to talk face-to-face."
"Ashley breathed in and savored the smell of spring."
"His mercies are new every morning... great is His faithfulness."
"God... help me. Hold me! I don't want to die!"
"Everything's going to be okay, because she loved the Lord, and He loved her."
"I prayed that they would be safe and that they’d find shelter tonight."
"No matter how terrible the storm about to descend on them."
"Come on, people. We need to get that baby delivered."
"You’re not like everyone else . . . you don’t just look up your birth parents and go knocking on their door."
"He was who he was. One of Hollywood’s top leading men, whose personal life had done an about-face."
"I’ll be on a plane first thing in the morning."
"Thanks for the letter. It meant . . . more than you know."
"It was probably Ashley, stopping by with her little boy."
"It’s probably Ashley, stopping by with her little boy."
"That’s fine. They could sit out there all day."
"I have to leave in fifteen minutes. I only had today to make this happen."