
The Faceless Ones Quotes

The Faceless Ones by Derek Landy

The Faceless Ones Quotes
"His name had been Cameron Light, but that was back when his heart had a beat and his lungs had breath."
"Crime scenes, Valkyrie reflected, were rather depressing places."
"Skulduggery's tone was friendly. 'So how's the investigation going? You're probably under a lot of pressure to get results, right?'"
"Valkyrie resisted the urge to hit him. 'Actually, it's not,' she replied. 'It's fairly standard. Also, I'm fourteen. Also, your beard's stupid.'"
"Valkyrie allowed herself a moment to feel guilty about being so selfish then got back to business."
"You can't help yourself, can you? You come here, begging for your old job back, and even now you can't help but be insolent."
"The figure of Phil Lynott didn’t say goodbye as the Administrator led them down a spiral staircase."
"Skulduggery looked at her. 'You have a twig in it.'"
"Valkyrie opened her wardrobe to show the reflection the mirror. 'I’m ready to resume my life,' she said, and the reflection nodded and stepped through."
"'You still haven’t taught me how to do that,' Valkyrie scowled."
"Skulduggery’s chin tilted slightly. 'I’m sophisticated, charming, suave and debonair, Professor. But I have never claimed to be civilised.'"
"Most Sensitives are hermits, like, living in caves and monasteries, somewhere in the mountains …"
"I’m floating, man. I’m up here. Floating up through the ceiling … into the open … floating through the sky … Dublin looks so pretty, even when it’s raining …"
"He corrupts everyone he meets. Have you noticed that? Have you noticed how much you’re changing, simply by being around him?"
"I don’t have to, but I’ve developed the skill and I quite like it. Though I suppose you’d call it meditation."
"I think Valkyrie meant strange people that you haven’t seen before," Skulduggery said.
"You are influencing the mind of an agent of the Sanctuary. That is a criminal offence."
"I have come to a decision. The flesh and blood Gordon may have imprinted me on to this Echo Stone, but I continue to learn, to experience, to evolve. I make my own memories now. I am as real a person as he was, and because we were the same person, I am now him, now that he’s not. It all comes down to philosophy really. I think, therefore I am, I think."
"A man is only as effective as the effect he has on his surroundings," Gordon was saying. "And if a man is not effective, if his very being is as insubstantial as thought, then what is this man? Is he a man? Or is he merely the thought of a man?"
"Once I tried being nice," he snarled. "I was glad to see you. I was happy you were here."
"I am Anathem Mire," he said. "I am master of reality."
"You’re under arrest," Valkyrie shouted, hoping that someone would hear. "Detective Crux, you cannot do this."
"I have a warrant for your arrest," said Crux sweetly. "What, you didn’t think I’d be able to work out who you were and where you lived? If your quite obvious connection to the late Gordon Edgley wasn’t enough of a giveaway, there were a dozen vampires chasing you through the streets of this lovely little town last summer. I am a detective, Miss Cain. Working things out is what I do, and this particular mystery wasn’t exactly taxing."
"Things are different now. This is a chance for you to come back to the Diablerie."
"Why, Jaron, how delightfully treacherous of you."
"Your family has been devoted to the Dark Gods for a thousand years. It’s in your veins."
"I am a traitor to a race of sadistic gods who loathe humanity."
"The offer is, admittedly, somewhat tempting, but the fact of the matter is inescapable."
"This isn’t something you can just shake off."
"The Liffey Bridge is a bridge with three names."
"When the other sorcerers hear about this, they’ll all come running to help."
"I’m not going to be simply erased – not like the others."
"I’ve got a new set of clothes for you. Nothing will get through them."
"I’m going to make the confusion go away. I promise."
"I had heard that, but the people who matter know the truth."
"You want to get Skulduggery Pleasant back, don’t you?"
"You don’t think I’m doing it because I’m a nice person?"