
A Million Little Pieces Quotes

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

"I can feel the weight of my life beginning to drop and I realize why dawn is called mourning."
"Every morning it's the same. I vomit and I sit and I wait."
"Honesty and openness are very important here."
"I wish I could hear her say calm down, it's not worth it."
"It has always been a fault of mine, but it is the way I am. I never look back. Never."
"I know I can do as much as I want of whatever I want."
"If what the Doctor says at the beginning is true, and joining AA is the only way to cure me, then I'm completely fucked."
"I find a gun beneath a large bag of cocaine."
"Every chamber is full. There is no doubt as to the outcome."
"I am full of booze, coke, crack, glue and gas. I am fucked up beyond comprehension."
"The cotton is expensive and finely woven, probably made in some faraway Country."
"I will worry about, and I appreciate you lending it to me. Thank you."
"Forget me if you can. Forget I ever existed, forget I did whatever it was I did. My suicide will be my apology."
"I am an Alcoholic and I am a drug Addict and I am a Criminal. That is what I am and who I am and that is how I should be remembered."
"I try to forget everything. The whole fucking mess."
"I want need want need I want need enough to kill annihilate make me lose make me forget dull the mother-fucking pain give me the darkest darkness the blackest blackness."
"I breathe hard, close my eyes, let myself be held. It's okay."
"It comes in waves. The waves roll deep and from deep the deep within me."
"I start to cry. I start to cry. I start to cry."
"I try to forget that there is a World outside of that which is in my head and I try to forget that there is a World within my head. I try to forget everything."
"How I am here. How I have arrived in this place at this moment on this day with this feeling history future problems life."
"I am shaking and my heart is racing and I am clenching my fists and I am clenching my jaw."
"I stop walking forging pushing fighting and I close my eyes and I take a deep breath."
"I want to be calm but there is no calm for me."
"An Addict is an Addict. It doesn't matter whether the Addict is white, black, yellow or green, rich or poor or somewhere in the middle, the most famous Person on the Planet or the most unknown."
"The life of the Addict is always the same. There is no excitement, no glamour, no fun. There are no good times, there is no joy, there is no happiness. There is only an obsession."
"To make light of it, brag about it, or revel in the mock glory of it is not in any way, shape or form related to its truth, and that is all that matters, the truth."
"I am tired. I am spent. I am nervous and I am happy and I am calm."
"I wish I could see her. I want to see her. I don't see her."
"Occupy your mind with something. It doesn't matter what it is."
"I skip the Introduction. If the book goes in the trash, I want it to go because of my thoughts on it, not because of some Asshole's thoughts who wrote the Introduction."
"It is not enough to make me throw it away, but I am also not convinced."
"The screams were like a Child being burned alive."
"It's hot and it's bitter and it's good. No sugar and no cream it's hot and bitter and good."
"Either or both have the strength to take your mind, make you see and hear things that aren't there and drive you insane."
"I knew she was watching me walk away and waiting for me to turn back for another smile and I would've liked another smile I would have liked the World to stop and she was waiting for it, but I didn't turn around."
"The World has stopped not like before and not in a good way. It has stopped and is not going forward."
"A moment and an opportunity and a life, all in the unseen tick of a clock holding me nowhere."
"I sit on the middle bench. It is cold on my legs and back, but the cold is a counterpoint to the coffee and the cigarettes and the night."
"It was in my mind. I knew it wasn't going anywhere."
"There is a noise behind me and I turn to the noise. There is a Figure emerging."
"Laughing feels good. I haven't laughed enough and I want to laugh more."
"I am getting better. Empty and clear and light and blue. I am getting better."
"The rage and need are back they have returned are alive as they almost always are living and lingering and eating me away."
"I could be hurt if I were soft and warm. I could be hurt by something other than myself."
"I don't think about what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. I just sit there alone. I drink and I smoke."
"I am quiet and empty. I am calm. If there is anything I seek it is this. The calm."
"I will do it with me. Alone. I will do it with me."
"I want to be the kind of Person that you would be proud to be with. I'm going to do everything I can to be that Person."
"Be patient and wait. Your mud will settle. Your water will be clear."
"Don't try to control others. Let go and let them be."
"I don't blame you for this, and I don't think there's anything you could have done to stop it. I am what I am, which is an Alcoholic and a drug Addict and a Criminal, and I am what I am because I made myself so."
"Addiction is not a disease. Not even close. Diseases are destructive Medical conditions that human beings do not control."
"Addiction is a decision. An individual wants something, whatever that something is, and makes a decision to get it."
"There is always a decision. Take responsibility for it. Addict or human. It's a fucking decision. Each and every time."
"It is best left alone I leave it alone and so do they. It is none of my business anymore."
"Not romantically but in the way people love when they have seen too much hard life and they have seen it together."
"He wants them to have everything he never had, and he wants to stay sober so that he can give it to them."
"I'm a victim of nothing but myself, just as I believe that most People with this so-called disease aren't victims of anything other than themselves."
"I call it the acceptance of my own problems and my own weaknesses with honor and dignity."
"We have wasted too much she and I and the others like us. Wasted far too much."
"Words can't say this. The one word love means too little for what it is."
"I could lie here and die happy. I could die in this love happy and without the need for anything more."
"Whether they will admit it or not, all men love fighting."
"To stand alone in front of another man and to either hurt him or be hurt is what men were built to do."
"There are no guarantees, but we're going to try."
"To sit and not talk. To sit and stare at nothing. To sit and let the mind shut down. To just sit."
"I have never felt better or stronger in my life."
"I want to come to terms with my past and leave it behind me."
"Hold on to things too tight and you'll lose them."
"If you don't display yourself, people will see your light."
"I hear a past that doesn't matter and the future that never comes."
"Nothing else matters. Nothing else exists. Just her and me."
"As it was before I went to the Clinic, and as it will be until the end, I answer only to myself."