
How I Lost You Quotes

How I Lost You by Jenny Blackhurst

How I Lost You Quotes
"No matter how many times I leave the room and try to go about my normal life, every time I go into the kitchen, there it is."
"Sunday is my favorite day of the week. No mail on Sundays."
"Sometimes I still forget to answer to my new name, Emma Cartwright."
"If you live in the north, you might mutter something like 'Oh yeah, wasn’t that the woman who killed her baby? Such a shame.'"
"Walking over to the envelope again, I see the words written on the front and my heart begins to race."
"It isn’t a letter; it’s a photograph. A young boy smiles widely at the camera, a warm, genuine, beautiful smile."
"I’m going to do it. Hands trembling, I tear open the envelope, taking care not to rip what’s inside."
"The thought makes me feel physically sick and I cover my mouth with my hand."
"You need to accept that she has done what she’s done, and it’s more than likely that so have I."
"The police officer I spoke to suggested that people round here wouldn’t want a child killer in their town. He’s probably right."
"I wasn’t used to mixing with people like Cassie, her angry tirades and her pack-a-day habit."
"When you’re in a place like Oakdale you have to accept that your life as you knew it, your old friends, your old house, it’s all gone."
"I didn’t have friends; no one wanted to be associated with a . . . with me."
"I actually just wanted to be left alone to die."
"Every day Cassie would bring me food, but not from the cafeteria—chocolate bars, and sausage rolls."
"My eyes fill with fresh tears at the memory, and at the questions it causes. Was I already depressed when this photo was taken?"
"She kept at it. When the magazines and makeup didn’t work, she started smuggling me food."
"I hadn’t even realized I was doing it until it was all gone. Cassie just winked at me."
"The mind has funny ways of making you face up to things too hard to admit to."
"I don’t remember wanting him dead. Wanting him not born isn’t the same as wanting him dead, is it?"
"You’re as sane as I am and I’d have attested to that in any court of law if they had given a fig what I thought, but they didn’t."
"The fact is, there can’t be any good reason; there can’t be anything in this that is for my benefit."
"I’ve tried so hard to remind myself that Mark was right to walk away from my situation, and that I gave my dad no choice but to give in and leave me on my own, yet I don’t think I’ve really ever forgiven either of them for actually doing it."
"If you want to find out the truth, you have to stop doubting yourself, Susan."
"She was sleeping, and she didn’t look beautiful, she looked all wrinkled and her head was a cone shape from the suction cap."
"I wasn’t sure I’d be welcome, but Mark made sure no one so much as thought a bad word."
"I’m going." Part of me is just being stubborn because I feel like they’re ganging up on me and my inner teenager is refusing to back down."
"I’d say it’s about time you shared a bit of my faith in you. That’s just what I think, if it matters."
"Now, if you can’t stand to have me around anymore, then tell me now and I’ll drive you to your dad’s and hand you over to what I’m sure are his capable hands."
"I’m not going to bail on you; I’m here to help you. Stop acting as though I’m Mark."
"He’s been here countless times, I have a key." She produces it with a flourish. "I’m supposed to be here. You’re the one who’s out of place."
"We were supposed to be staying with their grandmother, which basically meant waiting until their grandmother fell asleep at eight o’clock and sneaking back round to her own house to let them all in."
"Every day since Dylan left it’s been heartbreaking to wake up."
"I remember it as though it was this morning: our first family photo."
"What happened to you, I mean your conviction, it wasn’t his fault."
"I knew they were barking up the wrong tree, but I was too shocked to ask questions."
"Don’t be too hard on him; you can’t really blame him for wanting you around."
"I’m not the one who planned to murder my husband in cold blood because he slept with someone else."
"We’ve got the next three years to fuck our way through all the Tanyas in Durham."
"I knew this was coming. You’re pissed off she’s here all the time, right?"
"How did you think I’d feel, opening my front door and seeing your face again?"
"He’s overprotective. Who is he? Your brother? Boyfriend?"
"He’s like a brother to me; I would never knowingly pursue a girlfriend of his."
"I’m glad you have someone looking after you."
"I’m not in the right place for dating at the moment."
"He kicked you out of his home the first time you went there."
"I knew Mark Webster and I know who you are, dear."
"I’m afraid I don’t have anything to say about what happened to Beth."
"I need to know whether my son is still alive."
"I can’t bear the thought of them pitying me."
"If you’d asked me that two weeks ago I’d have said there was no way."
"It makes me feel sick to think of my husband filing away the undesirable parts of his past."
"I wasn’t coping as well as I thought I should."
"I have so much going on, I’m just readjusting to being in the real world again."
"All this paper in the office and you write on my hand?"
"The thing is, Russon had nowhere to sleep and no way of getting his next meal. Inside he had a bed, a roof over his head, and three meals a day."
"How’s that going to look? A paranoid convicted murderer, convinced that Kristy Riley knows something about her son’s disappearance, heads around to her house and conveniently finds her dead?"
"The Brotherhood must stick together at times like this."
"She was already unconscious so I didn’t get to watch the life drain out of her or anything as pleasing as that, but I have to say it was satisfying."
"You’re an unfortunate by-product, I’m afraid. I like you, I think we could have been friends."