
Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need To Know To Do It Once And Do It Right Quotes

Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need To Know To Do It Once And Do It Right by Jamie Glowacki

Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need To Know To Do It Once And Do It Right Quotes
"YOU are the parent. YOU provide safety and boundaries for your child. YOU are the teacher. YOU provide a loving environment where it’s safe to grow."
"Children learn by repetition. I repeat: humans learn by repetition."
"If you have things planned, you’re more likely to get stressed out."
"Potty training is a process. Your child will get better and better at it."
"Most people don’t realize how much pressure they are putting on their child just by bugging him to death."
"The goal is always to work with your child’s strengths."
"To be clear, that is pushing a child. And yes, it was horrible and abusive."
"We are humans, and humans like to be good at what we attempt."
"It’s insulting to your child’s intelligence to think she can’t learn this new skill."
"Your child is special; she has her very own genetic makeup."
"Normally, your child may pee around five times a day. We want to bump that up a bit, just temporarily."
"Have fun projects planned. Play trains and dolls and puzzles. Watch videos, read stories, dance around naked."
"Remember the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!"
"For me personally, after the first day of potty training, I felt closer to my son than I had in months."
"We had SUCH a blast that first day! It was almost decadent to get to stay home and just focus on him all day and not rush around doing things."
"Don’t make the rush to the pot frantic or scary—just quick."
"You are not to ask you child if she has to go."
"Children resist when there’s too much pressure."
"A lot of parents expect that the verbal indication will happen sooner than it does and are befuddled by the number of accidents their child has."
"Remember, potty training should be an effort for you, but not for your child."
"If you partake in alcohol, please have some wine at the end of this day. It is also acceptable to have wine in your cereal when potty training. You deserve it."
"Most adults wake up to pee at least once a night and we’re skilled at using the potty."
"Potty training isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t a single simple scenario, either."
"Remember: you are not asking your child if he has to pee. You are prompting him to use the potty."
"There’s really no rule book here, just learning."
"You will keep building on success. I often refer to this as 'stacking successes.'"
"Don’t underestimate the power of sleep. Much will be accomplished in his sleep tonight."
"Wet pants can be part of the learning process."
"If your child pees her pants and registers nothing at all, it’s definitely time for another naked day."
"Remember the timeline: Clueless to I Peed to I’m Peeing to I Have to Go Pee."
"If you prompt her, leave it at that, and really walk away—you are giving her space and time to make a good decision for herself."
"Never does a child have a tantrum in an empty room."
"Aaron has Mom and Dad by the balls, and he knows it."
"Don’t be afraid of laying down some firm boundaries."
"You aren’t what you eat. You are what you don’t shit."
"The only reason she’s putting on a show is that you are watching, front and center."
"The reality, though, is they have no control at all."
"But the reality is that toddlers only think in black and white; they are incapable of thinking in shades of gray."
"The bottom line is that most parents talk endlessly to their children about the steps involved in potty training."
"Should your child have an accident, don’t punish or berate her."
"If your child is resistant to leaving the activity he’s immersed in, you can offer the cup as a choice."
"You don’t want to overwhelm your day care with a huge list of instructions."
"You are where you are, and we can’t change that."
"Our children require some fences. Within those fences we can allow for tremendous freedom."
"Potty training is one of the big transitions."
"Negative attention is better than no attention in a child’s mind."
"It’s either use the potty or don’t use the potty."
"Our kids don’t need a bunch of our attention, but they do need it focused."
"A truly free childhood should be about chocolate or vanilla, and little else."
"The best way to end a power struggle is to let go of your end of the rope."
"Your child is good and always will be. Her behavior is/can be bad."
"You can’t waltz in with consequences/discipline for the first time when your child is five."
"You both will get lost. The car you are driving is life, and it’s your job to know where you are going."
"My final answer: when you take off the diaper, accidents are bound to happen."
"You are the boss in your house. Ditch the bottle."
"Everything can be worked around if you examine it from all angles."
"Kids love the idea of showing off to an audience of inanimate objects."
"Be prepared when you’re going someplace exciting."
"Let it go! Give your child the gift of responsibility and back off."
"If your child is sick, it’s okay to rediaper and start fresh when he is himself again."
"Hiring out the potty training is perfectly acceptable."
"If things start falling apart, try to pinpoint what exactly is going wrong."
"It’s just another milestone—just another something you are teaching your child."