
Low Pressure Quotes

Low Pressure by Sandra Brown

Low Pressure Quotes
"There was nothing in it that a thief could possibly want."
"I was told you have an airplane for charter."
"You needed the charter. Their money is good."
"I skipped the long paragraphs and only read the dialogue."
"I wasn’t at the barbecue, remember? I need details."
"You could go back to the book and read the parts you skipped."
"She was the life of the party, which wasn’t anything unusual."
"I wasn’t at the barbecue with her. That’s what I’m trying to tell you."
"It makes you feel guilty, even though you’re not."
"He wasn’t in on those initial interrogations."
"She was wearing a new sundress, one that Olivia had bought her for the occasion."
"I’d misbehave, do something really bad, just to see if I could get a rise out of him."
"I wasn’t at the barbecue, and I didn’t kill Susan."
"Her injuries sustained during the tornado were postmortem."
"Cause of death was asphyxiation. She was strangled."
"I’m a bachelor with a basic sexual appetite."
"Every minute I spent in a plane was better than being on the ground."
"He drove along behind me so I could see my way by his headlights."
"He was a damn-fool kid and a smart-ass to boot."
"I didn’t want to fly with a pilot who isn’t."
"I’m inviting you to vent your anger, and I think you want to."
"I’ll bet you do. And I’ll bet it happens to you a lot."
"That’s why the S&W .357 was always within easy reach."
"I had to tell her that I’d be late to the barbecue."
"I can’t believe I let you talk me into this."
"He was a consistent SoB, I’ll say that for him."
"It doesn’t matter whether or not there’s any substance to the question. Just posing it implies that something ran afoul."
"So what she thinks she remembers, and what she believes, aren’t necessarily what actually happened."
"But his column is famous nationwide, and, with just a little finessing of the facts, he can do a body either a lot of good or a lot of harm."
"Which once again puts you up to your neck in the Lystons’ shit."
"You don’t have to sign on for the rest of your miserable life."
"I wondered when you’d get around to remembering that you’ve got a real problem of your own."
"If you’re more scared of me than you are of them, you know the way out."
"I’m not going to talk about it any more tonight. My brain needs a break and so does yours."
"You can relax. I’m not going to choke you with your panties while you sleep."
"I don’t know what-all went on. But what I do know, Dale wasn’t ever the same after that boy got killed in prison."
"I was driving up that lane—you know the one, that led to the pavilion?"
"It's not convenient to me. I want to remember."
"I want to know who killed her, Mr. Moody. Because, regardless of her personality or promiscuity, she didn’t deserve to die that way."
"I had to have seen her purse there, in her hand. Why else would I have said that?"
"You only imagined it because you’d seen her carrying the purse."
"The bruise on the front of her neck was a band."
"Not necessarily. She also had a knot on the back of her head, which she’d got before she died."
"You and Rupe made quite a team. He was the brains and you were his bitch boy."
"At least only one man died on account of me. I gotta live with that."
"You would’ve framed me for murder if you could’ve."
"Maybe you should try the Dr. Denton Carter remedy."
"Because you can’t have a first officer taking over for a captain who’s flying the airplane."
"No one died, but a lot of people were injured when we pitched."
"I’m usually alone when this happens. I’ve learned to panic quite well in private."
"But this isn’t Halloween. I could trick-or-treat."
"The airlines have rules and regulations for a reason."
"But in the corporate world? Regulation socks?"
"You gotta live with nearly killing a whole airplane full of people."
"Bellamy, we are sharing this room, this bed, for the rest of the night, and that’s all there is to it."
"I’ve spent eighteen years trying to break it."
"He might’ve been if he’d been thinking with a clear head."
"But to counter Susan and her reputation—I kept my virginity."
"I was told that if Susan hadn’t been sexually promiscuous, she would still be alive."
"I’d have wanted to know exactly where you were when she was killed."
"He also threatened me against speaking about this."
"I swear on the heads of my beautiful wife and children."
"Do you want to confess? Did you come here today to bring me Susan’s panties?"
"That’s right, he did. He was known for his note-taking."
"He copied. Before you had the original destroyed."
"You and I gave you a chance to atone, and you still can’t own up to what you did."
"I knew I’d found something more important to my life than he would ever be because I loved it more. I’d found a new home."
"For a kid who didn’t have a mother, and a dad who looked through him, that was... Well, it was a lot."
"It’s never going to get better than this. This is my life’s perfect moment. If I live to be a hundred years old, I’ll remember this till the day I die."
"During that flight, there was a span of time, maybe forty-five seconds, when the sun shone through a crack in the clouds. And I mean a slit. You know how it sometimes does just before sundown and there are clouds on the horizon?"
"That day, when Gall took me up, it was like... like I left all that on the ground."
"We landed, and I went back to that cold house and that unfeeling man. I remained angry and resentful, carried a chip on my shoulder just as I always had. The difference was, I now had something to look forward to. My dad couldn’t lock me out anymore because I’d stopped wanting in."
"That beam of sunlight was aimed directly at me. I was staring straight into it and I owned it. It was like a sign or something."
"I was just thinking how good it looks on you."
"Let’s just say I hoped that when you regained your memory, it wouldn’t be of you choking Susan. I’m glad you don’t have to be haunted by that."
"But those who flat-out lie or deliberately withhold something are cheating the justice system and the law of the land. They’re called Brady cops."
"But by then, Dale was in so deep with Rupe he didn’t see a way out."
"Dale’s word against his. But Dale’s notes in the file back up the part about Postlewhite."
"The way you and Howard looked at each other just after you met."
"As much for your and Howard’s sake as for Mother’s. At least she died without having to admit it to him. That would certainly have killed her."