
Touch Of Power Quotes

Touch Of Power by Maria V. Snyder

Touch Of Power Quotes
"One piece pleaded for me to save her, urging me to heal the girl with the bright smile and ginger curls."
"We couldn’t heal the plague. And we didn’t start it."
"My life? Yes, I live and breathe and exist. Nothing else."
"When you were on the run, the possibility of being surprised in the middle of the night was high."
"I held out my arms. 'Mavis, go to sleep. I’ll watch…Fawn.'"
"The sickness nestled in my chest, causing me to suck in noisy wet breaths."
"This was my area of expertise. What I should be doing."
"The men’s voices surrounded me as I drifted into and out of sleep."
"I concentrated on the simple act of breathing."
"Instead of answering, Kerrick clutched the bars with both his hands."
"I decided to wait and learn who their friend was."
"My heart twisted. 'But you heard of others. Right?'"
"I’m not safe, Belen. Who is going to tear Kerrick’s arm off if he hits me again?"
"I hadn’t realized I was. But as I chased the logic, I knew what should be done."
"In fact, I was looking forward to my first solid night’s sleep in three years."
"I’d give myself a fifty percent chance of living."
"Find Melina, and I won’t make any more escape attempts."
"Good. Release them and take them to Mom’s right now."
"You know what Tohon’s capable of. I’d rather she go to the guillotine than be captured by him."
"But she’s being so stubborn. And we’re running out of time."
"Even if we reached him tomorrow, it won’t matter. She’ll refuse to heal him and then what do we do?"
"It’d be better to take the time and show her what happens to the people under Tohon’s rule."
"We need to find out, but she won’t open up with you being all stony silence and brooding anger."
"Disease and sicknesses were nature’s way to regulate our population."
"Ryne’s reasons had sounded like bullshit to me."
"No one else has backhanded me, starved me, manacled me to a tree and let me freeze each night."
"What I don’t like is being treated as a means to an end."
"It’s heartbreaking, but better to have some time together than none at all."
"No one does. We do the best we can with what we have. And good leaders stay about two steps ahead of the rest of us."
"And there was one positive thing from all this."
"It was supposed to be simple. Find you, take you to Prince Ryne and it’s done. But it’s all complicated now."
"Belen, being in charge doesn’t mean you stand guard all night."
"I wasn’t about to credit the faster recovery to Kerrick’s forest magic. That wouldn’t change anything."
"Why did you wait so long? I sent you a dozen letters as soon as they got sick, begging you to come home."
"I can’t decide what’s worse. Losing family members or not having a family to lose."
"Please do. He’s been a pain in my ass for the past two months."
"They must have listed the apprentices, as well."
"Then it seemed as if the roots in the earth swelled, enveloping me in a cocoon of living green and spring sunshine."
"There’s plenty of daylight left. We’ll head north toward the Nine Mountains as planned."
"If Kerrick’s not fussing about our tracks, that means no one is close enough to us."
"The grief would never go away completely, but it would fade into a background ache."
"How can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time?"
"But would you? If I sat on Kerrick and let you go, would you?"
"I wished to go back and make amends with my sister, but I didn’t want to leave the guys, either."
"No one said a word when I returned to the cave."
"I ignored and refused to see what was going on around me all those years."
"Just be careful not to roll over in your sleep."
"I thought it had to do with the war with the tribes in the north."
"I’ve been protecting that cub since he was born."
"The monkeys are entertaining or I’d have left them back in Ryazan."
"I know. That’s why we’re going to follow your plan."
"The monkeys had been intently listening to the story."
"Life magicians have an affinity with all living creatures."
"As soon as you get close, he’ll move Ryne to another location."
"It’s ridiculous to think you can trick Tohon."
"Death is a threshold. There’s nothing to grab."
"Maybe the dead and the bounty hunters would be after me, but I couldn’t let Belen and the others down."
"You’re more valuable than they are. Even if they’re dead, they continue to serve me."
"They don’t communicate. They grab and kill all but a few lucky souls."
"Performing experiments and calling it research, they kept pestering me to help."
"In my opinion, the Healer’s Guild were delving into areas they shouldn’t."
"We need a leader, and frankly, I already command life and death, so who better to rule?"
"I’m sure Kerrick has brainwashed you into thinking I’m a monster. I’m not."
"We have something in common. He called me, as well. And he’s a hard man to refuse."
"The true challenge would be to not use your magic at all."
"Anything I can’t accept about you won’t matter to you once you get to know me better."
"The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic."
"One healer might not be enough for what needs to be done."