
Iron And Magic Quotes

Iron And Magic by Ilona Andrews

Iron And Magic Quotes
"The stench of sour, alcohol-saturated vomit hit his nose."
"He was drunk and getting more sober by the moment."
"Something stirred in him. Something resembling loyalty and obligation and hate."
"God didn’t want him anymore, but the darkness was happy to take him in."
"The void gnawed at him, the big raw hole where Roland’s presence used to be."
"The Iron Dogs are more than a job. A brotherhood, you said."
"A family, where each of us stands for something greater."
"What kind of man cuts off his own hand before going into a fight?"
"He is our Preceptor. We’re viewed as untrustworthy."
"Life had no meaning. And he didn’t even fully understand why."
"I’m alive because he wants me to be the last."
"There is more to life than being a dog on a leash."
"A waste, Hugh realized. Hugh had sunk years into building the Iron Dogs, and Roland tossed them away like garbage."
"We already have one brain-damaged imbecile. We don’t need another."
"We need to find someone desperate and willing to overlook our past sins."
"The world was still red, and he kept squeezing."
"I’m picturing cutting your head off with these scissors."
"Yes, I can. The total operating cost of a single bulldozer is two hundred and thirty-seven dollars per hour."
"It wouldn’t burn long enough. You will give me this moat."
"Compromise. What is your biggest need as a settlement?"
"Waiting for your head to explode. I don’t want to miss it, but I don’t want to be splattered with gore."
"They are the law back home. Here, we are the law."
"Nobody wants you to be the law, Hugh. Least of all me."
"You are what you are. You, of all people, know that."
"Once Hugh decides someone has to die, he does it. There is no doubt."
"The exile should’ve broken him. I don’t understand how he survived, but he did. He’s extremely dangerous."
"Killing is second nature to him. It’s like breathing."
"I am his god, his king, his life. He thinks everything he is comes from me."
"The die is cast. Now we just have to make sure he remains on our side."
"If I wanted you dead, I would eat your soul."
"We are a pharmacy, one of the best in the area."
"He is my monster, Commander. Should any rough men come here and try to take what is ours, he will remind them of that."
"I’ve done things that keep good folks up at night."
"I don’t want him to change his stripes. He is my monster."
"If humans could growl, it would sound just like that."
"It’s safe here. Can you make them let me stay?"
"I'm not sure how much you were told, but Redhill was attacked by monsters."
"He puts himself between evil creatures and small children. He protects us."
"He is up to his neck in death. He’s had all the conquering a man could want and then some."
"I wonder which part of my demented brain wanted to see the Ice Harpy in an apron."
"Sometimes when I lay awake in the middle of the night, I think of you."
"What do you want more than anything? Tell me what it is, and I’ll rip the world apart to bring it to you."
"They will, but they won’t target Aberdine again. We don’t know if there was any communication between the invading forces and reserves back where they came from, but it would be unlikely that there wasn’t."
"We have to assume that they know we were waiting for them in Aberdine. We painted a target on our chests with that move."
"Hugh opened the flap and pulled the paperwork out. She’d reviewed it with Savannah. It laid out exactly what Nez had promised."
"Making deals and agreements with Nez is a waste of time. Might as well write a contract with a fork on the water in that moat out there. His word means nothing. His promises mean nothing. If the man’s mouth is moving, he is lying."
"The only way to change that is by demonstrating your intentions and following through."
"Because if I’m your punishment, you’re mine. The Christian god is the god of forgiveness. He is too kind to do this, even to us."