
The Crown Of Embers Quotes

The Crown Of Embers by Rae Carson

The Crown Of Embers Quotes
"I refuse to be governed by fear. The life stretching before me is that of a queen. It’s a life I chose. Fought for, even. I cannot—will not—squander it on dread."
"Sometimes, protecting Elisa means protecting her interests. Elisa must show herself publicly. These early months are important as she consolidates her power."
"I understand, my lady. But it would be safer—"
"Hector!" I snap. "I’ve made up my mind."
"The crowd loves me for it. They scream and cheer, and it is like magic, a good magic, how after a while they win me over to hope, and my smile becomes genuine."
"Remember this moment and treasure it, my sky. No sovereign remains popular forever."
"I’ve no idea what advantage he thought to gain by it. Whatever it was, I was not going to give it to him."
"My ridiculous crown grows unbearable as I ponder the centuries of rulers who came before me and sat in this same room, at this same table. Did any of them inherit a mess this big?"
"I wish I’d encountered Death Stalkers. They would have been marvelous weapons."
"I must tell you, because I must tell someone, that I am ... anxious. About being queen. I’m not sure I’m doing a good job of it so far."
"The gate that leads to life is narrow and small so that few find it."
"People are everywhere, going about their lives as if this were any ordinary place."
"It’s a whole village," I whisper, "right beneath our feet all this time."
"They were most likely involved in the riots," he says matter-of-factly.
"Do they have weapons?" I ask. "Can they reach us from down there?"
"Do not," I say, "add sedition to your transgressions."
"I am drifting away when an idea startles me awake."
"It’s late evening, and sunset glows warmly through my balcony windows."
"I’m not sure what you’re getting at," I say, but my heart patters and my limbs tingle.
"But what if it’s a real place? What if they are both real places?"
"I let myself cling to him, inhaling the dusty cook-fire scent of his woolen robe."
"I am nearly returned to my suite before I recognize the feeling as loneliness."
"The mayordomo has made a gallant attempt at elegance."
"I fantasize about commissioning a new one, something delicate and feminine and light."
"My world is already so crowded with guards and constant visitors."
"I’ve been clinging to the hope that I am done with ‘the realm of sorcery,’ that being queen will be my great service to God."
"I let myself get distracted. It won’t happen again."
"You were rarely angry. Even when you should be."
"He has the deepest eyes I’ve ever seen on a person, like a whole world goes on inside his head."
"I’ll have to suffer his company at first. But I’ll have him away as soon as possible."
"I was hoping we could get to know each other."
"I can’t imagine there is a man in all of Joya who is good enough for our queen."
"It’s the first time I’ve been alone—truly alone—with anyone in weeks."
"I hate this. My taster in Orovalle died too, when I was just a princess."
"They’re more toxic when dried and pounded into a powder. Mashed into flour, it would be almost tasteless. I suspect the powder mixed with alcohol is incredibly corrosive."
"That’s why it didn’t take effect on the taster as quickly. No wine."
"I resume pacing. Unlike the first attempt on my life, this one was clumsy and unfocused. Ill planned."
"Disappointment is like a rock in my gut. I am desperate for answers."
"My sweaty hands grip my skirt. 'He was paid to do it!'"
"For the first time, I notice a shadow of stubble along his jaw. It makes him look darker, fierier."
"‘I won’t run away again.’ She crosses her arms and leans against the bedpost."
"Your Majesty, you must choose the instrument of punishment."
"‘We consider their crime of negligence to be paid in full,’ I call out."
"‘You saved my life in the catacombs.’ ‘I shouldn’t have had to.’"
"‘I’ve failed to protect you. Someone else should—’ ‘I don’t want anyone else.’"
"No, I was thinking I ought to let you do your job for a change."
"As I anticipated, instead of staying to observe my self-defense lesson with Hector, Ximena hurries off."
"‘Please, Elisa,’ he says, ‘don’t ever, ever give your life for mine.’"
"I am wholly and irreversibly in love with the commander of my Royal Guard."
"‘I’m very content to enjoy the festivities from here,’ he says."
"I hold lightly to his arm, and he reaches with his other hand and gives mine a quick squeeze."
"Elisa . . . I need you to be clear-headed, Hector. I need that from you more than anyone."
"I’m not sure it’s proper for a queen to dance with her guard."
"You thought you were giving your life to me."
"‘I can’t imagine that anyone would risk God’s wrath by trying to harm you during his own holiday,’ he says."
"I’ll protect you from harm. I stand ready to jump to your defense."
"Even though you are a terrible dancer. Dancing with you is better than dancing with Carilla."
"I’ve considered making unreasonable demands. Just to punish them for the thought."
"Maybe Lord Liano has hidden depth of character."
"I have run out of banalities and niceness. I have nothing to spare."
"Joya d’Arena is my home now. My time in Orovalle feels like it happened to another girl, a different Elisa."
"You knew this was coming, Elisa. Of course he will marry, and marry well."
"I need to dress quickly. No time for a bath."
"We need to wash your face. With luck, people will think you had too much to drink and will not guess you spent the night crying."
"I’m prepared to offer something in exchange."
"You should look for it tonight. And in the afternoon, when it’s the hottest, all the colors of the world coalesce where the sand edges up against the sky. Like a ripple of light."
"I promise. But you have to promise me something too."
"It’s one of the many reasons I love the life of a sailor."
"I’ve nearly died more times than I can count."
"Don’t you find, Your Majesty, that when you and death are bedmates, that is when you feel most alive?"
"I thought you might marry me to your sister and pack me off to Orovalle."
"I love that he cares so much about honor and duty."
"I’ve wanted to do this for a long, long time."
"It's almost painful. We're supposed to go down into that valley."
"I peer down at the incline in dismay. It’s too steep to descend safely."
"Tears spring to my eyes, for I feel like God has given me a gift."
"This valley has a wrongness to it. It is alien. Other."
"You are enemies!" he says, clapping with delight.
"I am the bearer." And after a moment of silence: "And a queen."
"A queen need never apologize to a mere guard."
"I dread leaving this place, for it means returning to all the problems I left behind."
"Captain Lucio will have gotten him to safety."
"Take it. It should fetch a high enough price for a whole garrison."