
Only His Quotes

Only His by Susan Mallery

Only His Quotes
"Never agree to a job interview in which the interviewer has seen you naked."
"I'm not afraid of a team of men, if that's what you're getting at. I grew up with three older brothers."
"It was a long time ago, five difficult, awkward minutes out of my life. Seriously, it doesn't matter."
"I’m good at what I do. I work hard and I know this town."
"I wanted the opportunity to work with Janack Construction. They were a great company and I would have been able to stretch myself professionally without having to leave Fool’s Gold."
"You’re going to be around here for, what? A year? You ever spent any quality time in a small town before?"
"It's not what you think. When you take over the company, you’ll travel less."
"I don’t want to talk about it. If I did, I would have come to see you both. But I didn’t. I’m here, getting drunk. Leave me alone."
"It was a mess. They got back together, I was crushed and that was it. I never saw either of them again. Until today."
"Wanting someone she could never have had been one of the worst experiences in her life."
"It’s a first for me. I’ve never had to deal with wild cows before."
"You should find yourself a handsome cowboy to take care of the problem."
"It’s a flat tire, ladies, not the end of the world."
"She’s been alone a long time. Does she date?"
"Sometimes it’s hard, but I had to say those things because that’s what mothers do."
"You can try to go on about your day, as if nothing is happening, but she wins in the end."
"The critics, the art world. They’re ready to pounce, ready to say I’ve reached my pinnacle and am now in decline."
"Nature gives us perfection and we spend our lives trying to come close."
"Life is a whole lot nicer when there’s a woman around."
"I can never be like them. But they’re drawn to me."
"The French government has commissioned a piece and I’m at a loss."
"Sometimes I find everything so difficult. Not just the work, but living with these gifts."
"What I have, my talent, for lack of a better word, it separates me from everyone else."
"Understanding the problem is half the battle."
"I like being spoiled. But sometimes I want more. I want a connection."
"They say understanding the problem is half the battle."
"I don’t have anything against girl kissing, in theory. I just don’t want to share in it."
"A beautiful woman wants you. That is a problem."
"No one wants you to leave. You’re one of us. An important member of this community."
"I vowed I wouldn’t be like him. I would always do the right thing."
"You’re not that teenager anymore. You’ve made a life for yourself here."
"I believe in you. I believe in us. I want this to work. Please give me a second chance to prove myself to you."
"You’re wrong about one thing. It’s not that I got mad and handled it badly. It’s what I did next that says who I am."
"You find the town charming. You came here because of Nevada. Now that the two of you are together, thinking you want to stay is the next logical step."
"Love doesn’t make you a fool. Some of us are blessed with several partners we can love, while others never find anyone."