
The Readers Of Broken Wheel Recommend Quotes

The Readers Of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

The Readers Of Broken Wheel Recommend Quotes
"It’s because people get closer to one another there."
"Reading books isn’t a bad way to live your life."
"With books, she could be whoever she wanted, wherever she wanted."
"The written word is immortal while people are not."
"Life and sorrow go together like farmers and rain: without a little, nothing will grow."
"You’ve got to be something of a dreamer to enjoy books."
"Books had been a defensive wall, yes, though that wasn’t all."
"Sometimes I think that it’s not the degree of sorrow which matters, but how much of a hold it can get."
"Never live your life according to the idiots’ rules."
"How could it be possible to have travelled thousands of miles and still be the same person when you arrived?"
"By not selling his fishing nets, John was actually saving money."
"Sooner or later, all women needed a meringue dress, though they didn’t tend to need them more than once in their life."
"Each time someone refused to let her pay for her beer or coffee, and each time she tried, she thought about how she needed something to repay them with."
"Right there, in Grace’s, she was filled with a powerful new feeling of purposefulness."
"Sara was a woman with a good deal of resolve and an active imagination."
"Just a couple of days and her debts would be paid."
"I’ve switched alarms on and off before, and I’ve been on my own behind a till."
"‘Short of money?’ Gertrude asked. ‘Interesting.’"
"Says no to a free meal? I never heard of such a thing."
"I’ve got money. How are they ever meant to survive when they go around treating everyone to everything?"
"But they would have been doing me a favour. I need something to do."
"How am I going to cope with two months of not doing anything other than reading and being bought coffees?"
"‘You’re in debt?’ said her father. His voice had increased in both volume and shrillness."
"Don’t come running to us when something happens."
"This town was in desperate need of a bookshop."
"It’s not like you would be registering the store or anything."
"I doubt you’ll make any profit, so it’s not exactly as though we’d be cheating the IRS out of any money."
"‘A bookstore,’ said Grace, in the alarming narrative tone which usually meant there was yet another family anecdote on the way."
"‘It’s not a bad idea,’ Caroline mused. ‘It could do with a clean.’"
"‘You’ll never be able to open a bookstore here,’ she said. ‘It’s madness.’"
"‘A bookstore,’ John said somewhere behind him. It sounded like a question."
"But that handful of people you love … they’re surely worth just as much as all of those books."
"The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior."
"Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion."
"For a moment, she was convinced that she could sense Amy in the cool evening air, in the smell of hamburgers and cold beers."
"Books or people, you ask. It’s a difficult choice, I’ve got to say."
"Sometimes, you just needed an excuse to let the tears flow freely."
"She might not quite be a part of the town, but she had become a part of its history."
"They belonged here, as certain and constant as the buildings and roads."
"He won the bet: For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."
"I hope you don’t lose all confidence in me now that I’ve admitted that."
"No matter how deep a crisis was, there would always be people still earning money. Sometimes despite the crisis, sometimes because of it."
"It wasn't possible to live on six dollars an hour, however many hours you worked."
"The cabin itself consisted of a living room, small; a kitchen, even smaller; and a box room masquerading as a bedroom, in which you could barely fit a bed."
"The planks were for fixing the porch. It was only a couple of yards long, but it acted as an extra room during the summer."
"The bank had taken the house and Pete and his wife had moved here, to a barely inhabitable cabin."
"You know, Sara, sometimes I see you here in Broken Wheel, as though in a series of small, clearly illuminated snapshots."
"It’s not just that you have so much less future, but you also lose so much of your past, one death at a time."
"The trick is to just keep working. It’s when you stop and think too much that you run into problems."
"Being forced to read one would hardly make me relax."
"All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds."
"Excellently observed, dear philosopher, but let us take care of our garden."
"Maybe it wasn’t a joke. But it’s not so damned serious, either."
"There’s always a person for every book. And a book for every person."
"Don’t be such an idiot, George. She’s in the car."
"It’s about clichés. Trite, meaningless clichés."
"You should find a nice young man to settle down with."
"He traced the cracks with his eyes and took a certain comfort from them. They gave him something concrete and real to cling to and think about."
"Paint. Repaint. Cleaning. Cover the furniture."
"It would’ve been better if you’d kept it up a bit longer, so she really had time to make a fool of herself over you."
"Older women always make fools of themselves when they fall for younger men. Law of nature."
"It wasn’t as though she was a part of this hole of a town."
"She deserved it. She would’ve said the same thing about me. It was just a joke."
"It would be the death blow to a town which, in some strange way, he loved."
"Broken Wheel – now in colour! Coming soon to a movie theatre near you."
"You have, as I understand it, submitted an application for permanent residency on the grounds of the marriage I’m about to witness?"
"That’s my absolute maximum, and only under the condition that we do something fun together with it."
"Jimmie was the first Coogan ever to own a suit, later the first who could read, the first to own his own house, the first to dye his hair, and the first ever to have a street named after him."