
Spider Woman's Daughter Quotes

Spider Woman's Daughter by Anne Hillerman

Spider Woman's Daughter Quotes
"Wouldn’t you think she’d be offering to do me a favor?"
"Stay with me," she whispered. She spoke to him in Navajo, the language of her heart. "Don’t die. Please don’t die."
"He’s alive. Two-door blue sedan. Arizona plates. Headed west on 264. Driver was the shooter. A black hoodie."
"I promised I’ll find out why this happened and who did this to you."
"Sometimes shootings like this are random. Guys who hate cops, all cops, go berserk."
"If I’d been faster, I could have gotten a real description, maybe even gotten off a shot."
"The gallery of convicts on the disc Largo made. You busy tonight?"
"Love makes people do strange things. Look at me, for example, transformed from a bachelor eating Spam from the can to a budding gourmet chef, a Navajo Julia Child."
"She loved the way his skin smelled like summer."
"I just saw the news. How is he? Where is he? This is unthinkable. Poor, poor Joe."
"After all those years, for this to happen when he’s retired. How awful."
"That man could be so rigid, so sure he was right."
"He wasn’t one to talk about his problems. But he said something last week about a ghost from the past."
"I’ll feel like celebrating when we find the guy who shot the lieutenant."
"You know, you could have been killed today. Instead of celebrating our good fortune, here we are, still working at midnight."
"What about the lieutenant’s mysterious cousins?"
"If he survives until the swelling subsides, we will be better able to decide what happens next in terms of treatment."
"He looked, she thought, like a man whose spirit was deciding if it should stay or if it could go."
"It’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen."
"Someone found human bones in the area the next spring. DNA matched them to Elliott."
"You could be facing some serious charges. If you don’t tell me the truth, you’ll end up in jail."
"You have a good interview technique. Very professional. I might steal some ideas from you."
"Some say everything natural on this mother earth is sacred."
"The idea of having a stranger poking around in my head makes me nervous."
"Life goes too fast. We don’t want to live like crazy Santa Fe people."
"We want to live like crazy Shiprock Navajos."
"The happy girl I married has too much to do. Too many burdens."
"The unexpected motion on this still, moon-filled night made her feel like a nervous five-year-old."
"Bernie thought: Truck, don’t roll. Cow, stand still, be calm. All cows, be calm."
"You know everything?" Chee grinned. "And what I don’t know, I make up."
"Bernie kept the truck at a brisk forty-five miles an hour to smooth out the washboards."
"She vividly recalled the hair-raising tales her grandmother told of the evil they created."
"He told me he’d proposed to her and she turned him down. She said she’d already been married and it didn’t agree with her."
"I love the way the architecture blends into the landscape," Bernie said.
"They didn’t have time for more hiking, but they explored the paved loop trail with views of the remains of more massive ruins of a culture that rose and fell over the course of three centuries."
"She laughed. "So that’s why the trout swim in mountain streams and whales live in the ocean?"
"We’ll ask her when we find her. Or when the feds bring her in."
"I knew someday I’d find Ellie again, and then I’d find her records."
"I read once that some Indians consider pots living beings, the union of clay and water."
"I tried to get her to tell me where they were and where all the photos were, too."
"She called me when she found out the AIRC had acquired the McManus collection."
"Guess what, Bernie? Your backpack is out here."
"It wasn’t right to be honored just for doing your job."