
Swimming Lessons Quotes

Swimming Lessons by Mary Alice Monroe

Swimming Lessons Quotes
"I finished college, got a good job and I’ve made a nice home for Little Lovie. All tidy and cheery, with flowers on the table, like you taught me. I want so much to be a good mother."
"I’m still like that turtle in my dream, swimming toward someplace I can’t seem to get to."
"Stop what you’re doing and play with your child!"
"I reckon I can get pretty fixed in my ways at times."
"I got me one of those super squirters, too, and I’m dying to soak her good and proper."
"The faster you get her off our boat, the faster we can unload this shrimp."
"Every happy memory I have there is with Tom..."
"The turtle tracks did, indeed, travel up to, then around, the sand castle seemingly not wishing to disturb it."
"I never figured how hard it was going to be for me emotionally, is all."
"Sometimes it’s a false alarm and they all went back to probing."
"Five turtles, you'll be busy, that's for sure and certain."
"I keep busy. But at my age, it's nice to still be needed. To have purpose."
"This house feels so empty. So quiet. I can't stand to hear myself patter around in it."
"You should go out more. You're young! Pretty. You shouldn't be hiding your light under a bushel like you do."
"How are you? I'm lonely, thanks. How are you?"
"There's a lot of life left in this old mare. I'm not ready to be put out to pasture."
"You just remember, sister mine, that with age comes wisdom."
"I never understood how she named her after our mother. Kinda cheeky, don't you think?"
"You have to disappear behind the lens of the camera and see the world through different eyes."
"I wonder if she does have more eggs inside of her?"
"It’s funny, but when Miranda was alive she used to watch her stories on the television all day. I thought back then that the constant noise would drive me batty."
"The more I learn, the more I see that, in the end, nature will prevail."
"Honey, you couldn’t squeeze another dish onto that table without the legs giving out. You must have ten pounds of potato salad."
"I’ve never known a child to care so much about nature. To feel nature as a child is much more important than just being able to list names of birds, or plants or animals. That kind of heart isn’t something you can teach a child in books."
"I’m touched by your concern, but I wasn’t even out on a wave runner."
"It’s both a shock and frightening, after years of careful planning and saving, to come to the realization that you’re running out of money."
"If you want to sell the house, and James and John love this place and he’s willing to pay me to give it to them, then I’d be a fool not to let him."
"Remember, Toy, when I left the beach house during that storm, I never imagined you’d come after me."
"But they don’t call these barrier islands for nothing."
"Just because my bossy brother thinks I can get more money doesn’t mean I want it."
"It’s much stickier when there is land and family involved."
"As long as the dream was alive, he didn’t see himself as a failure."
"You can’t think I’ve been carrying a torch for you? I have a life of my own now. And that life doesn’t include you."
"You’ve become a woman any man would be proud to call his own."
"I can’t be having you hurt her like you hurt me, Darryl."
"Carpe Diem! Honey, let go of your fears. Go to Costa Rica! Experience life! It’s your turn."
"I’m used to having my child with me. Without her, I’m done."
"You’re not doing Lovie or anyone any good just sitting here."
"I’m thinking of Big Girl. It’s going to be hard to let her go."
"You know what to do. Don’t you hear the ocean calling? Go on, now. Don’t be afraid. You’re going home!"
"Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. I may be leaving the beach house, but I’ll always carry you and your words in my heart."
"Sometimes, I just want those sweet moments back again."
"It’s our job now to be the good mother, and to create that magic in our own lives. With our children."
"We have to know what we can let go of, and what to hold on to."