
Bloom Quotes

Bloom by Elizabeth Scott

Bloom Quotes
"I love books. I like that the moment you open one and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that’s way more interesting than yours will ever be."
"But they were all about so-called ugly losers who were actually really smart and funny (and quirky cute or even gorgeous to boot) and how the football star or mysterious new boy everyone wants or the best friend-who-seems-kind-of-ugly-but-actually-really-isn’t totally falls in love with them."
"That’s my problem. I’m … well, me. And yet I have a perfect boyfriend. Don’t believe me? Okay, take how we started dating."
"You think I’m kidding, but I’m not. Dave is—well, if you saw him you’d understand. He’s perfect."
"The worst kind of sad too, the kind where you know, deep down, that there’s nothing you can do even though you wish you could."
"I remember how Evan cried the time we found a bird’s nest in the yard, the mother bird’s body on the ground, mangled by a cat, and he tried to save the eggs."
"The thing is, that girl isn’t me and I know it. But when I’m with him, I feel like I could be her."
"It’s like I’m watching a movie. Looking at his hand holding mine, I don’t feel much of anything except worry that I don’t feel more of anything."
"I’m the first person home, of course. I’m always the first person home."
"I know that even if I could think of something to say, I wouldn’t, and she knows it too, her smile broadening a bit before she moves on down the hall."
"She’s full of shit, and you should just ignore her."
"I want you to be safe. I want you to have choices."
"I couldn’t tell you what I was supposed to have learned in any of my classes, even music. All I’ve been thinking about is not thinking about Evan."
"You’re more than welcome to discuss your assignment with the administration if you wish."
"I’ve never gotten one before, but it really was worth it."
"Sometimes I think you don’t like me at all, Lauren. And you’re my best friend. What kind of person am I if my best friend hates me?"
"I’m sorry," I say again. "Didn’t you get my text message?"
"But it’s okay," I tell her. "Seriously. He does it to everyone and always acts like an ass afterward. You’d think he’d be used to rejection by now."
"Being happy makes you want to talk, to go over everything, to share it so you can remember it all over again."
"I look at him, my insides totally turned to mush by what he’s said, by his smile, by how his eyes crinkle at the corners and his hair flops into his eyes."
"You’d think something would be different but nothing ever is. Everyone has their little groups, and everything is all about who’s doing what and who they’re doing it with."
"I am used to Dave, to the thrill of wanting to date someone giving way to the reality of it."
"The thing about Evan’s kisses is that every single one makes the whole world seem to tilt a little."
"But when I try to go to sleep it’s so quiet, too quiet, and every breath I take sounds like a scream."
"I never cry, ever, but my eyes are watering and these weird noises are ripping up my throat and rolling out of me, and I can’t stop it."
"I think that maybe she’ll push me away—and that maybe she should—but she doesn’t."