
Blackout Quotes

Blackout by Mira Grant

Blackout Quotes
"I am one of the Orphans of the Rising, the class of people who were under two years of age when the dead first started to walk."
"My adoptive parents have raised me to ask questions, understand the realities of my situation, and, in times of necessity, to shoot first."
"I’m going to tell you the truth as I understand it. You can take it from there."
"I, Shaun Phillip Mason, do hereby swear to poke dead things with sticks, do stupid shit for your amusement, and put it all on the Internet where you can watch it over and over again."
"The CDC brought me back so they could use me as a weapon against the only person in the world I loved more than I loved the truth."
"The difficulty with knowing what something is and how it operates is that you’re likely to be wrong, and just as likely to be incapable of admitting it."
"Sometimes the hardest thing about the truth is putting down the misassumptions, falsehoods, and half-truths that stand between it and you."
"I’m sorry, George. But I’m afraid I might want you back so much that I’m willing to let myself let you down."
"I think that I legally became a human being as soon as you detached me from your crazy mad science clone incubator, which means I’m entitled to basic human courtesy."
"Pardon me for arguing, Dr. Thomas, but I’m a clone living in a post-zombie America. I’m pretty sure not asking for potential weapons would be a much worse sign."
"Let us, who are the lost ones, go and kneel before the dead."
"We’re fucked. Where’s Alaric? I’m pissed off, I’m almost out of bullets, and I’m not having any fun."
"They didn’t sign up for this. Don’t treat them like they did."
"I don’t know how much longer I can do this, but that’s okay, because I’m not going to be doing it for much longer."
"And I don’t know if I could live with myself if I didn’t keep trying."
"Things I have done today that were awesome, whether or not I am currently a practicing Irwin: I shot a zombie bear in the head. Six times."
"Please make it back alive. Please make it back alive. Please make it back alive. Please make it back alive. Please make it back…"
"You were always more wife than I was worthy of. I love you, my Nan. Believe me, even if you believe nothing else I have ever said."
"We lost over a dozen techs, Joey—people who’ve been working with me for years, people who trusted me to keep them safe. And for what?"
"She remained calm and reasonable throughout the encounter. She was able to ask coherent questions and give coherent answers."
"Please tell me you know where they’re going, and you didn’t just lose track of our only known living human with a full immunity to Kellis-Amberlee amplification."
"I’m not sure what it says, exactly. I just know that Joe is now functionally immune to Kellis-Amberlee—he can get sick, but he can’t go into conversion."
"You’re the only remaining blogger from the Ryman campaign. You’ve got a level of credibility with people who aren’t blog readers that the rest of us can only dream about."
"Every time I think my life can’t get any weirder, it does."
"You really can’t go home again. Sometimes, that’s a good thing."
"I’m sort of making all this up as I go along, you know."
"I hope she’ll find it in her heart to forgive us for what we must do."
"I don’t know how much longer this can last. But I don’t think it’s going to be long enough, if you don’t hurry."
"Sometimes, when you try, you find out that home isn’t there anymore… but that it wasn’t only in your head before. Home actually existed. Home wasn’t just a dream."
"If you were going to build killer bugs to spread the zombie plague, wouldn’t you put in a little planned obsolescence?"
"I need you to be the one who says them. That lets me believe in them."
"We need you to be Georgia Mason, just as much as the other side needs for you not to be."
"Because I’m a doctor, and they teach us never to use little words where big ones will do."
"Either I’m the real thing, a trap, or a great story."
"You’re doing this out of a suicidal need for revenge, even though it may not change anything."
"I’ve been following the feeds about the Masons."
"Just go to sleep. You have hours to kill before the sun goes down."
"I was the closest match they ever made. That’s why they decanted me. I was their show pony. I think they were planning to sell the tech that made me. Immortality for the highest bidder."
"I held up one finger toward Becks. She nodded, holding up two fingers of her own. When we were both holding up three fingers, we leaned forward and snapped the bridging cords into place. A bright blue spark arced through them."
"They got her out. Kimberley and Lake… they got her out. She’s alive, she’s intact, she’s clinically sane, and she’s out."
"Gregory said he wanted to get me out, but we’d need to find a way to do it. If we weren’t careful, things could get ugly."
"I remember everything, right up until you pulled the trigger."
"We could run. You and me. Head for Canada, or something. The others could finish this without us. You know they would."
"I woke up about a month ago—maybe a little bit more; I don’t really know, since they never let me have a calendar—in a CDC holding room."
"I remember thinking I was the luckiest woman in the world, because you were there to do it."
"It only has three numbers in its address book," said Becks, tone still tight with suspicion.
"I wouldn’t dream of it," I said. "Seriously, thank you all. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"If we’re all prepared to wander gaily off to our dooms, we should really get moving," said Mahir.
"You are always such the little ray of golden sunshine, Mahir, you know that?" Shaun grinned.
"Oh, don’t worry. You don’t need to tell Alaric what’s going on."
"Upon reflection, I must note that I have, in fact, had better days."
"Don’t freak out," said the Cat. "They were tracking devices for the CDC to follow."
"This would be a good time to drive a little faster, Georgia," said Mahir.
"Georgia Mason always knew how to defend herself."
"We think we have an idea where she’s been, if not where she’s going."
"Something in its posture told me it wouldn’t regard ripping my throat out as the high point of its day, but it would do it all the same if Dr. Abbey gave the order."
"Have you considered the benefits of marijuana? Or at least reducing your caffeine intake?"
"Yes, but he failed, which means we’re still playing nice."
"If I may? As I was saying, I work with the Kauai Institute of Virology."
"That isn’t science fiction, that’s science lying-through-your-teeth."
"George was never that vulnerable, not even for me."
"Georgia Carolyn Mason, b. 2016, in the final year of the Rising, d. 2040, during the Ryman campaign, always lived her life by one simple commandment: Tell the truth."
"Listen to the clone girl. She’s got some pretty good ideas."
"I have hidden the truth from them for too long."
"Because we chose to tell the truth (The cool of age, the rage of youth)."
"The problem with people who have power is that they start thinking more about what it takes to keep that power than they do about what’s right or wrong."
"The theft of subject 7c was enough to activate those protocols."
"Do those automated security protocols usually include pre-bugging our shoes?"
"It is sometimes necessary to protect our investments through extra-legal channels."
"Because a few break-ins keep everybody believing the CDC is at risk."
"She wasn’t the only one we were prepared to resurrect."
"How did you get the rest of the world to go along with it?"
"You promise the mosquitoes are going to die on their own?"
"The only reason you weren’t added before was out of respect for your loss."
"You failed. You were supposed to kill us all, and instead you turned us into monsters."
"Kill me once, shame on you. Kill me twice, shame on me."
"Our flight began when Dr. Kelly Connolly, believed dead following a break-in at the Memphis CDC, arrived at our Oakland offices."
"The mosquitoes that swept from Cuba to the American Gulf Coast, resulting in the death of millions, did not arise naturally."
"This is where I say we’d better live up to her sacrifice, because there’s nothing in the world that can ever replace her."
"The world goes on. Zombies or no zombies, political conspiracy or no political conspiracy, the world goes on."
"Would you like to hear a story, my love? It’s about some very brave people and the way they tried to change the world."
"Are we almost done? I have a fitting to get to."
"You haven’t left this lab during the day for almost a month."
"We’re going to break into that government-funded money machine of a lab."
"We’re looking at clear skies here in the Midwest."
"The world can stay unsaved for a few more hours."