
The Vampire's Bride Quotes

The Vampire's Bride by Gena Showalter

The Vampire's Bride Quotes
"The weak should feel the sting of our disappointment."
"Every few days you will be tested, challenged, our way of dusting the sand from the gold."
"You will find the elements no longer pain you."
"This will not be an easy undertaking, nor will it be swift."
"The losing team will counsel with us. And why one member will be chosen…for execution."
"Faithful servants, it is time you put an end to our wondering, once and for all."
"I have heard of your conquests, vampire king."
"For too long, you were forgotten, our attention turned to the humans."
"For centuries, Poseidon had remained here in the water. King to his merpeople, forgotten by earthlings and utterly bored."
"The unpredictability had been delightful. And just like that, all of his ennui had melted away."
"You can’t just waltz inside, he’d said after his confession—and their subsequent desire to do as he’d done—wanting to keep his new favorite toy to himself."
"His four unexpected guests soon had arrived here, wanting to know the source of his joy."
"I think we should dispose of the losers, Poseidon had suggested."
"The vampire will win," Ares said confidently now. "He has murder in his eyes. A look I know well."
"I was merely curious." She shook her head, dark hair tumbling down her back."
"They are happy now and would despise any interference."
"Why haven’t you kissed me?" The last escaped un-bidden, but once said, she did not want to take the words back."
"No matter what we are ordered to do, I will not betray or hurt you. You have my word."
"No. No god is going to change my allegiance."
"Everyone here wants to return to Atlantis, but we can’t. So you’re going to put those things out of your mind and concentrate on the task at hand."
"In life, as in this game, there are many obstacles. One wrong move and you could be destroyed. Remember that…"
"A successful team player will work to ensure that all members walk away from a battle, not just himself."
"You have had sufficient time to prepare for this first test of your mettle. If not, you are not the warriors we thought you were and we will be highly disappointed."
"I will not tolerate insults. Especially from my supposed ally."
"You are whatever I tell you to be. I do not trust you."
"Her strength must have surprised him, because he propelled backward and landed on his back."
"What he would do if she was, he didn’t know. He only knew it would be his fault."
"They searched for each other while standing among a crowd."
"Why are you doing this? Why do you care? This is wrong."
"An Amazon’s only purpose is the protection of her sisters."
"I need you more than I’ve ever needed another."
"You were to prove your strength to us, as well as demonstrating which race is superior to all others."
"I don’t like the thought of a woman being enslaved."
"Let this be a lesson to you. When a goddess demands a favor of you, promising a reward beyond imagining in return, see it through."
"There’s nothing we can do for your sister now. Once we leave the island—"
"You are my strength. You are my joy. My peace."
"I will cherish you, all the days of my life."