
The Rosie Result Quotes

The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Result Quotes
"I was standing on one leg shucking oysters when the problems began."
"You can’t go crazy because someone’s niggling you. At this level they’ve got to start building some resilience."
"If there’s time to change my costume, I should devote it to the performance-review form."
"I’m a crap physician but a good researcher. Why waste time on stuff I’m not good at?"
"I turned towards her, in accordance with the convention that people look at each other while conversing."
"I usually say team player, but in your case…"
"You’re suggesting I avoid contributing? What about asking questions?"
"I was accustomed to criticism for being unusual rather than typical."
"You may as well have the whole story. We don’t believe in vaccination. We’re terrible people. Anti-vaxxers."
"I’m quitting my job to devote maximum time to preparing Hudson for high school."
"Fortunately, I could rely on my friends: a group of people from diverse backgrounds who cared about my welfare, yet were sufficiently detached that they would not be overwhelmed by emotions."
"The medical profession is less evidence-based than it should be, but I would trust them ahead of all alternatives."
"You don’t fit my idea of the evil genius working for big pharma."
"A homeopath! Not only zero evidence, but no realistic possibility that there ever would be."
"It’s been suggested, by the university, that I also seek a diagnosis."
"If they want to be left alone, maybe yes. If not, I have no opinion."
"We have to decide who to trust with our children."
"I’m having difficulty learning the data-analysis software."
"It’s possible I considered myself more competent than marketing people."
"People who oppose vaccination. It would be interesting to know the thought process that had led to her position so I could explain the error."
"I was facing a complex problem with too much information to process and not enough to support an evidence-based decision."
"Excellent. The system seemed inadequately designed for handling predictable exceptions."
"The most likely outcome is that Pa would suffer with no benefit."
"Knowing what I knew now, a further thirty years later, those fantasies, had they become reality, would only have made things worse."
"I’m trying to find a cure for cancer. It’s proving extremely difficult."
"Animals are so scared of humans’ ability to throw that if you are threatened by a dog, then just pretending to pick up a rock is likely to discourage it."
"I knew from my schooldays—and later—that sexual ignorance was a serious social disadvantage."
"I recognised the stance and the response it had provoked in our Shepparton backyard when I was a child."
"I had been given the relevant facts, primarily by other children and often in the context of jokes, but had somehow failed to absorb them, and was left confused and disgusted."
"If I had been taught my times tables while being forced to look at images of naked adults, with interruptions about the methods of preventing conception and the life-shattering results of failing to do so by someone who was manifestly uncomfortable with the task, it is unlikely that I would have learned to multiply."
"You’re not going to catch the ball in your mouth."
"Humans do not generally enjoy public speaking, due to the fear of making some mistake that will be noticed by others."
"‘You think my father was quirky?’ ‘Do I think the Pope’s a Catholic? Of course he was quirky."
"You need to exercise more. We’re getting older and it’s necessary to apply conscious effort to maintain health."
"I reached a provisional conclusion that Hudson wasn’t autistic, hence the information was not relevant."
"I’m a bit over science fiction. Anyway, I do lots of things."
"I’m not a scientist so I can’t give you…data, but I think we all know that people with autism don’t feel empathy."
"I’m sorry, but we’ve got a problem. Quite a serious problem. Hudson’s all right, physically, but he’s in the sick bay, and I’m going to have to ask you to come and get him."
"If he wants to come back, we expect him to get an autism diagnosis—which we are prepared to concede may be negative."
"I’m familiar with Hudson. And I’ve got two of my own."
"You know, Gary says "chill out" all the time, and you’re just permanently chilled."
"If he were my child, I’d be concerned. I might be pleased to have some professional help."
"I don’t need to explain why. I hope you get some help for him before he does what he did to that bird to a human being."
"You’re suggesting Hudson wanted to get into trouble and possibly be expelled? It seems totally irrational, and Hudson is not generally irrational."
"It’s always different when you’ve been part of it."
"He didn’t just set up the website. He had the idea, he came up with the brand, he was the one who pushed me to charge about four times what I thought they were worth. He’s earned his fifty per cent."
"Possibly that will be an important lesson about human behaviour."
"Now at least he’s mixing. He’s found a way to do it, even if it’s not the way we’d like."
"We’ve tried to help him, but he’s realized that he needs to do it himself."
"I’m sad that he needs to do this at all. I love him as he is."
"The world doesn’t. The school world. A lot of the rest of the world."
"What sort of ATAR scores does the school achieve? The top students."
"People get accused of things and don’t get a fair trial."
"Steady pace is best, with a sprint at the end."
"You should run the second half faster than the first."
"It’s a fine line between encouraging and shaping, but it’s our job to find it."
"I’m sure you realise this is a Catholic school."
"We’re just as happy to claim them as our own."
"I’ve deduced the system. Seven points for fourth, correct?"
"I need to get everyone in the house to run and make sure they don’t drop out."
"She appears to be crying. Presumably with happiness that Blanche completed the course."
"The second voice I did recognise. It was Bronwyn, the principal."
"And we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from parents about what Hudson did for Blanche."
"The school will be arranging some education to prevent her getting it wrong in the future."
"Hudson was in danger of becoming the sort of person I had disapproved of all my life."
"What I learned from the bar is that autistic people shouldn’t have to do all the changing."
"Next year I’m planning to go to a special school, so I can practise being myself without pressure to act like someone I’m not."
"My appearance is a poor indicator of how I’m feeling."
"I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the cross-country."
"Do you realise how frustrating you are, don’t you?"
"That’s because…you don’t think like the principal."
"I need to say something more, to implement my second decision."
"That’s a problem when you’re a kid and you’re not sure about something important."