
A Conspiracy Of Kings Quotes

A Conspiracy Of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner

A Conspiracy Of Kings Quotes
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"
"Alas, when we reached the barracks, I discovered an unanticipated difficulty."
"I cared little for that once he was tipping the bucket at my neck. It felt divine."
"I wonder if people always choose what will make them unhappy."
"Gold doesn’t make a slave, and it doesn’t always buy one."
"He shook his head slowly. 'You were never a slave,' he said."
"I didn’t want a choice; I wanted to stay right where I was and build walls."
"By daylight we were not so far away that we could be sure we had outdistanced pursuit."
"I am most honored, Your Majesty," said Akretenesh, with a deep bow.
"We need to make an alliance with Melenze before the news gets out."
"I will get her in terrible trouble if anyone finds out she helped me."
"Your Majesty, we are near to being overwhelmed by Eddis and Attolia."
"I will go to Melenze. And hope to delay the Medes long enough to find some other solution."
"Either because he can see what we can’t or just because he demands the world conform to his own desires."
"You should think of something else or you will end up like poor Polystrictes, asleep in the middle of the day."
"In either case, we have an invasion that the Great Powers of the Continent cannot fail to notice, and we all have to do the best we can."
"You must be king. You cannot be anyone’s puppet if we are to have a chance against the Mede."
"My queen and I sleep with a matched set under our pillows, as well as handguns in pockets on the bedposts."
"I would have been a better man under different circumstances."
"I know exactly. I was hiding in a takima bush in the Queen’s Garden."
"I was lucky to be alone as I subsequently recalled the time when Eugenides, the magus, and I were escaping Attolia."
"If I hadn’t been such an idiot, and so angry at Akretenesh, he would have known, I am sure, that he had erred in teasing me with the letter."
"We all make mistakes, Helen," he said again, "all of us. And I think, I really think you will regret it if this one time you could forgive me, and you don’t."
"I wasn’t cheering. I was considering the ambassador."
"Thank the gods, though I do aim better with my right than my left, the new gun threw to one side."
"I had wanted to find a better way than shooting an unarmed man."
"The magus, with his remaining men, will slow the Medes."
"I will hold people responsible for their actions, now and in the future, but there will be, for every transgression, a remedy in the next few days."