
Infamous Quotes

Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Infamous Quotes
"I’m old enough to death match demons and zombies, stop the apocalypse, deal with Death on a daily basis, and hold down two jobs, but I can’t meet my girl for a movie…"
"The fact that someone so incredibly tiny could cow him with nothing more than an arched brow didn’t sit well with him."
"Technically, if I got a girl pregnant right now, I’d be sixteen when the baby was born."
"And if everyone jumped off the Pontchartrain would you join them?"
"Horror. Terror. Nightmares. Dreams. Some things are never what they seem."
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
"In his experience the people who flattered him to his face were the first ones who stabbed him whenever he turned his back."
"He didn’t trust her and he didn’t believe in wasting time around people he didn’t trust."
"He was the god of fire and passion. Those three were the divine guardians of humanity and the ones who created the Chthonians."
"The best protection? Know yourself and have your own thoughts, right or wrong. Never let someone else think for you or you’ll find yourself a sheep in the slaughter mill."
"We can blame others for our bad decisions. We can say that we had no choice. But it’s always a lie. No one puts your hand on the gun but you."
"I think he’ll like it. Nicholas Ambrosius Gautier."
"Life isn't a puzzle to be solved. It's an adventure to be savored."
"I am truly grateful for my many blessings, and for being able to help as many people as I can, as best as I can."
"Ain't nothing prettier than the smile on a mama's face when you hand her, her baby and tell her that baby's going to live when she thought she was going to have pick out funeral clothes for him."
"You just might blind me and I need my eyes to see clearly."
"You ever want to know my flaws, sit down with my bridge partners and they’ll spend hours enlightening you."
"It’s like he’s not really in a coma… that on some level he’s highly alert, but nothing we do can revive him."
"The whole point of life is learning to live with the consequences of the bad decisions we’ve made."
"The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren’t the ones people see on the outside. They’re the ones that make us bleed internally."
"Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right."
"You’ll never know true happiness until you find that small handful of people you’d die to protect."
"Children should be protected, not exploited."
"Everyone’s in pain, Nick. Some just hide it better than others."
"The only thing that matters to me is that you don't regret me. Please, don't look at me like I'm dirt."
"Don't worry, Boo. Everything will work out. It always does. Somehow, even if it's at the very last second, God always comes through for us."
"But happiness, victory, and life are sacred because they are fleeting and stingily measured."
"People aren't just ants rushing around over a crust of bread. Every life, no matter how isolated, touches hundreds of others."
"But our dark, ugly interloper knows it. I think that's why it hates us so much. Because it knows that we alone can defeat it."
"No one is immune to the dark interloper. We all feel that those wounds won't heal. That they go too deep and let so much blood that it floods our souls with utter agony."
"Pain is even more fleeting than the other emotions. Yes, it stays for awhile sometimes, but it always goes eventually. Always."
"We are not sheep to be slaughtered. We are fighters, and in the midst of our darkest battles, we don't lie down and get stepped on."
"It's the ultimate act of selfishness. Yes, death is painful for those who live on. Losing someone burns so deep that it never stops."
"No two memories of any event are ever the same. They're all sifted through our emotional channels, which run deep, and they color every input into our brain."
"We are destined to become a Dark-Hunter. That, too, I haven't been able to avert. Until now, the catalyst has always been the death of our mother."
"This… this crap would end tonight. He would make sure of it."
"You're lucky, Nick. You have a broken arm, but the rest of it is superficial."
"You have no right to possess this girl. Let her go."
"I ain't trash. Trash is something you throw away. My people keep me."
"Sometimes you just have to run the snakes out of your garden."
"The best revenge in the world? Let her face the people she's attacked at school."
"People like her think they're safe at home, making masked attacks on a glowing computer screen against people who've never harmed them."
"Every IP is unique to the user and dedicated logs are kept. You can be found."
"Karma will get you, and she's a nasty bugger once you rile her. Absolutely no one escapes her wrath."
"I'm in pain. Lots and lots of pain. Giant, Malachai-sized pain."