
Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography Of Kurt Cobain Quotes

Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography Of Kurt Cobain by Charles R. Cross

Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography Of Kurt Cobain Quotes
"He loved nothing more than to imitate Bobby’s squeaky voice, eliciting fits of cackling laughter from his friends."
"The arguments were worse when Kurt was stoned or frying on acid, which became a regular occurrence."
"This singular issue—having hair on your testicles—was a monumental point of embarrassment for Kurt."
"Kurt was never one to let the truth get in the way of a good story."
"The true tale of where he spent his days and nights during this period is more poignant than even Kurt’s rendition of events."
"At a point, he must have begun to believe it himself."
"His instinctual survival skills served him well, and his will was strong."
"The experience of being kicked out would be something he would return to repeatedly, never able to completely free himself from the trauma."
"It was a potent and dark image, made all the more resonant when Nirvana became famous."
"Kurt’s journey began on Dale Crover’s porch, where he slept in a cardboard refrigerator box, curled up like a kitten."
"I mean to be passionate and sincere, but I also like to have fun and act like a dork."
"If it's illegal to rock 'n' roll, throw my ass in jail."
"My lyrics are a big pile of contradictions. They're split down the middle between very sincere opinions and feelings that I have, and sarcastic, hopeful, humorous rebuttals towards cliché, bohemian ideals that have been exhausted for years."
"Once you go past the learning experience, then you go into the downhill part. I never took drugs as an escape, I always took drugs for learning."
"I either write a song, or write a letter, and I'm sick of writing songs, for now."
"We measured our shows, not so much by how many people were there, but more by what people said. And a lot of people would say they liked us."
"Serious traces of musicianship leak through. Nirvana sit sort of at the edge of the current Northwest sound—too clean for thrash, too pure for metal, too good to ignore."
"The finest day I ever had was when tomorrow never came."
"We’ve made a pact to learn from whoever we want without new rules."
"The only difference between ‘friends who fuck every once in a while’ and ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ is the official titles given."
"Maybe we can tour together in the States and burn American flags on stage?"
"They wanted to take some blood and I hate needles, so I left."
"If you want to know what the afterlife feels like, then put on a parachute, go up in a plane, shoot a good amount of heroine into your veins, and immediately follow that with a hit of nitrous oxide, then jump or set yourself on fire."
"I can’t wait to be back home (wherever that is) in bed, neurotic and malnourished and complaining how the weather sucks and it’s the whole reason for my misery."
"I wanted to at least sell enough records to be able to eat macaroni and cheese, so I didn’t have to have a job."
"My attitude has changed drastically, and I can’t believe how much happier I am and how even less career-oriented I am."
"I’m just so overwhelmed by the fact that I’m in love on this scale, I don’t know how my music’s going to change."
"I want to make sure we have a house, and make sure we have money saved up in the bank."
"There is a little monster inside your head that says, "you know you’ll feel better.""
"I tried hard to have a father / But instead I had a dad."
"I remember someone saying, ‘if you try heroine once, you’ll become hooked.’ Of course, I laughed and scoffed at the idea, but now I believe this to be very true."
"I wish someone could explain to me why, exactly, I have no more desire to learn anymore."
"Every time I see a television show that has dying children, or see a testimonial by a parent who recently lost their child, I can’t help but cry."
"I would rather be healthy and alive. I don’t want to sacrifice myself or my family."
"I don’t give a flying fuck if I have this recorded that I’m threatening you. I suppose I could throw out a few hundred thousand dollars to have you snuffed out, but maybe I’ll try the legal way first."
"Teenage angst has paid off well / Now I’m bored and old."
"Sometimes I wonder if I could very well be the luckiest boy in the world."
"I have a small man’s complexion. I’m speechless. I’m toothless. You pull wisdom from my teeth. My mom is the tooth fairy. You give me birth and dentures and fangs. I love you more than the tooth fairy."
"I am buried in a heart-shaped coffin for weeks."
"The line 'I hate myself and I want to die' had been kicking around Kurt Cobain’s verbal and written repertoire for some time."
"I’ve violently vomited to the point of my stomach literally turning itself inside out to show you the fine hair-like nerves I’ve kept and raised as my children."
"Heart-Shaped Box evolved through several drafts, and Kurt had originally titled it 'Heart-Shaped Coffin,' including the line 'I am buried in a heart-shaped coffin for weeks.'"
"I am eternally grateful for your priceless opinions and advice."
"I’m on warm milk and laxatives, cherry-flavored antacids."
"I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black."
"God damn, Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, love me, me, me, we could go on a trial basis, please I don’t care if it’s the out-of-the-in-crowd, I just need a crowd, a gang, a reason to smile."
"God, and he wants to live! Why would you try to live?"
"Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch in time clock before I walk out on stage."
"There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much."
"I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people."
"I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be."
"I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child."
"The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man! Why don't you just enjoy it?"
"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self-destructive, death rocker that I've become."
"Empathy! Only because I love and feel for people too much I guess."
"Please keep going Courtney, for Frances, for her life which will be so much happier without me."