
The Lady's Mine Quotes

The Lady's Mine by Francine Rivers

The Lady's Mine Quotes
"Riding second-class on the transcontinental railroad had been blissfully comfortable compared to this jarring, jouncing journey into an unknown future."
"She’d never before seen a Chinese man, but she had read how they’d crossed the Pacific by the thousands, willing to take lower wages for the dangerous work of blasting and chiseling tunnels through the stone Sierra Nevada mountains for the railroad."
"Any hope of changing her mother’s mind had ended the next morning when the judge joined her in the entrance hallway and informed her that he would be accompanying her to the train station to see her off."
"Her porter hauled her trunk upstairs and left it inside a small room with a bed, a table, and a pitcher of water."
"If you look over the edge at the next curve, you’ll see a coach down there. Driver was in too much of a hurry. Happens every once in a while."
"Life's a gamble, ain't it? There's risk in anything you do."
"So far, the journey had merely served to remind her of the heavy cost of following one’s convictions."
"Oh, how she longed for a bath, but how much would it cost to have a tub and hot water brought upstairs?"
"A newspaper should be neutral, presenting facts rather than taking sides."
"Are you proud of yourself? Word will spread of this latest escapade. Your reputation is ruined."
"I don’t imagine you’ve found a gold mine." - "Just essentials I need for my trip, Mr. Cussler."
"I am always occupied, your ladyship, but I will gladly give you all the time you want."
"You have no idea the danger you’ve put yourself in."
"I’d like to read awhile longer, unless the light bothers you."
"Every man has the right to pursue happiness."
"There’s nothing more treacherous than a woman on a moral rampage."
"You want plain talk, Miss Walsh? Then listen."
"We believed the newspapers that told us the West was the land of opportunity."
"Women are like children. They should be seen and not heard."
"I don’t care! But use your head. Leave men to handle things."
"Trouble always comes to those who fight to do what’s right."
"A woman has few enough rights without losing them all to a husband."
"We’re closer. It’s an easy walk for the men. The mine is just up the road."
"It wasn’t just my Sean who died. Three others died with him."
"No man is beyond redemption. Well, maybe you."
"Everyone in town would know by noon. Everything she knew was in the Voice."
"I thought she was dreaming when the door banged open and heavy footsteps entered, then came awake abruptly when someone grabbed her arm and hauled her up."
"I’m afraid it’s my fault. I’m so sorry they hurt you."
"Oh, I dare a lot more. I have a man outside right now."
"You’ve got Sanders on one side wanting to tear your hair out of your head and the bloody Molly Maguires on the other. Happy now?"
"You’re saying you think I’m honorable? I didn’t know you had such a high opinion of me."
"Two dollars a day was one dollar more than Madera miners made. Kathryn knew there would be a line of men from which to choose for a job no one had been willing to take on."
"Not a word was misspelled, every sentence clear and concise. 'Stu Bickerson didn’t write this!' Kathryn wadded up the newspaper, furious."
"When a woman says, 'I will think about it,' that does not constitute a yes."
"Sometimes I wish Joe and I had never left Ohio."
"Don't believe everything you think. We lie more to ourselves than anyone else."
"A man who doesn’t believe in something is no better than a corpse sitting in a chair at a wake."
"If you don’t love her, leave her alone. If you do, let her be the woman she is."
"You have no idea who I am, do you? How determined I can be."
"You’re right about that. Most men wear their dungarees until they can stand up by themselves."
"A gentleman knows what he wants, and I want you."
"She might as well have waved a red blanket in front of the town bull, Morgan Sanders."
"He said he was looking for a woman with a mind, someone he could talk to and who would challenge him."
"What good was gold when he was already dead to the woman he loved?"
"The rumble of voices died down as she waited for silence, praying they couldn’t see how she trembled, praying her voice wouldn’t crack."
"I’ve learned that the most powerful thing a person can do is tell the truth."
"She released a long sigh and looked up at him, her green eyes clear as a mountain meadow after a rain."
"I’m not proud of what I planned or what I did. Men say and do stupid things when they’re pushed too far."
"Passion clouds the mind, but the heart wants what it wants."
"She knew even the smallest seed could grow into a mighty tree."
"Marriage is what you make of it, Kathryn. Matthias is a good man. You’ll make him better."
"You have no idea the power a good woman has over a man. You made me think about the faith I thought I’d lost."
"I promise you, I am not going to crush your spirit, Kate. Why would I, when that’s what I love most about you?"
"Remember, God created Adam and Eve, and what comes next is all part of His plan, not just for procreation, but also for our pleasure."
"People who had little to begin with don’t want to start over and have even less. They want to go to Truckee or Reno or Placerville or Sacramento, where they can find work."
"Women have the privilege of bringing life into the world."
"Life can change in—" "It’s too late, Mrs. Beck. I’m thankful you speak to me at all. No one else does."
"I’m sorry for your loss, Wyn." "Of a sort. She was trouble. Truth is, I was hoping she’d turn her affections to someone else because—"
"Women like me can’t shake the past if they stay in the same place."
"If she’d lived, she would’ve stood trial for two murders and been hanged."
"Some people are bent on evil, Kate. You’d see it in their eyes. Something’s missing. Or corrupted almost beyond redemption."
"Just pray you don’t have twins the first time around!"
"The best decision a man can make is to marry a smart woman."
"It’s the nature of a boomtown. People will leave. People who had little to begin with don’t want to start over and have even less."