
UnDivided Quotes

UnDivided by Neal Shusterman

UnDivided Quotes
"If you don’t raise a kid right, it turns into a weed that’s gotta be torn out."
"It’s easier than being proactive with the printer, because the world out there is a minefield."
"You may have wound him up, but he’s not following anyone’s marching orders but his own."
"If I could suture self, I wouldn’t have needed you."
"A good back massage should hurt as much as it soothes."
"You sent them? I guess I should ask what you’ve been up to all this time, but I figure you’d rather not talk about it."
"He’s different. Well, the last time you saw him, he was planning on blowing himself up—so anything is an improvement."
"If every hospital could print organs and tissues for its patients, the whole system of unwinding collapses!"
"When you’re a prisoner of society, you shouldn’t play at escape."
"The closest I’ll ever come to remembering is forcing you to remember."
"They call themselves an independent supplier of biological upgrades."
"We must always be careful of the actions we take, for there are always unintended consequences."
"What began as one man’s Internet hoax not only became real but evolved into the most heinous organization in the world."
"He wears his lies on his sleeve like the chevrons of his uniform."
"That boulder was shorn from a mountain by a glacier maybe a hundred thousand years ago, and then carefully deposited here with patient intent, waiting all these years to break that criminal’s spine in two."
"We need to be loud enough and forceful enough to be heard—but sane enough that people will listen."
"Never trust espresso. Its bitter taste can mask a multitude of things."
"Why is it that every loser with a penis feels the obligation to put moves on me?"
"You’ll go to your grave? That’s just wishful thinking."
"You look sad. You should be happy—for once we did something right."
"We’re not looking for friends. After generations of being abused, all we want is to be left alone!"
"Welcome to the human race. You should learn to relish the hunger more than the feast, lest you become a glutton."
"You people suck," Fretwell shouts, which thrills the crowd because it allows them to hate him even more.
"I’ve never been a child. I’ve been a tithe, a clapper, and a fugitive, but never a child."
"You’re a soldier now, not a computer nerd, so start acting like one!"
"I’ll bet you can tweak them the way you tweaked me—to find their greatest satisfaction in their service."
"It’s dawn. I don’t know about you, but I’m up for an early breakfast."
"The applause department—that’s what the organization behind the clapper movement is."
"What would you rather have: shreds of the past or the whole of the future?"
"There’s never been a trap he hasn’t been able to get out of."
"His blood literally begins to feel cold within his body, like his veins are being caressed with ice."
"Starkey knows this will be the greatest escape act of his life, if he can pull it off."
"The strongest, the healthiest, the smartest. I’ll keep you flush for a long, long time."
"What you don’t understand is that they need me more than they need each other."
"The idea of a war is more important than any of its warriors. And I am the idea!"
"No one made you do anything, Mason. We just gave you the rope; you’re the one who hung yourself with it."
"You get to keep that. It’s more than you deserve."
"I didn’t make you do anything, Jeevan. I just gave you the rope."
"It’s the small minds in this world that destroy everything."
"I’ll never be a great leader, but knowing that already makes me a better leader than you."
"It should hurt, or it doesn’t mean anything."
"You’ve been tranq’d eight or nine times in succession."
"We are the pinnacle species, are we not? This is because we have a remarkable ability to adapt, not just physically, but emotionally. Psychologically."
"It’s the way of the world. Look at unwinding, society’s grand gavotte of denial."
"The good news here—if any of this can be called good news—is that Parental Override is still just a bill."
"You’ll find the tour very eye-opening, to say the least."
"What good will it do? You’ll still go into that machine!"
"It won’t. You won’t let it—and you will play. Maybe not today, but tomorrow, or the day after that."
"I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Please rate your current level of comfort on a scale of one to ten, ten being least uncomfortable."
"I abhor violence, you know. I grew up surrounded by it."
"You can choose to stay here, or you can choose to be auctioned."
"I regret, Jackass Dirtbag, that without anesthesia, you shall be experiencing extreme discomfort, beginning with your wrists, elbows, ankles, and knees, then quickly moving inward. This is perfectly normal for the machine’s current setting."
"To take your mind off of your discomfort," says UNIS, "I can project a variety of scenic vistas for you. Please choose from the following: mountain flyby, ocean tranquility, vibrant cityscape, or landmarks of the world."
"Regardless of what side you’re on, you’ve got to admit it took a lot of guts for a Chancefolk tribe to spin the wheel and go all in. If the Juvenile Authority thinks a tribe of once-great warriors is going to blink, they’re in for a surprise."
"But I can still remember what it felt like to love you."
"Suddenly people are seeing the Juvenile Authority as the enemy—but don’t you think for a second that excuses you!"
"Just so you know, your stunt has cost you your liver, your pancreas, both of your kidneys, and both of your lungs."
"I’m here to tell you that I’m alive. And so is Risa Ward."
"I’m doing this to save your lives," Connor tells him. But he knows it's more than that. It's as if his embrace can rewind them—not into the family they once were, but into the one they may still have a chance to be.