
Adults Quotes

Adults by Emma Jane Unsworth

Adults Quotes
"That thing is the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing you look at at night."
"I feel as though this constant interfacing has become a wall between us."
"You are on that thing when we eat, you are on it when we watch TV, you are on it when we go for a walk, and now you are on it when we are having sex."
"Are you in love with someone on the internet?"
"There’s a lot of lino. A lot of dachshunds. Lots of plants that are real-imitating-plastic."
"You see men with visible pocket watches high-fiving over MacBook Airs and you worry about what this means for evolution."
"Vague social terror: that’s my motivation."
"It’s a little obnoxious, but it’s good to know something cares."
"Digital is not at odds with the flesh, as some might argue; this all has a very physical effect on me."
"‘I am thirty-five, I am thirty-five’, I chant as I walk to my room."
"I’m scared that not meeting the right person, over and over, might be the point for me."
"Are you luring me into your fancy new bower, with these jewels?"
"I see it all for what it is. I would guess you’ve never been loved as much as you thought you deserved."
"I have been looking at pictures of you online to while away the time."
"You are my dream boy. Let’s enjoy our youth while we can."
"No one seems bothered about the millennium bug here so I really think try and keep your panic under control darling (you do worry!)"
"Everything has consequences, doesn’t it? Every act of communication is an act of translation."
"I am supposed to pick 12 women who have touched my life and whom I think might participate."
"Art does not advance by weddings; love advances by funerals."
"The mind creates the abyss and the heart crosses it."
"I’m happiest in my own company against a backdrop of general adoration."
"You can’t do this in front of me. You have to hide with your mates in a shitty bus station somewhere."
"I am happiest in my own company against a backdrop of general adoration."
"Nature is not beautiful. Nature is the ugliest thing of all. Mother Nature is a misogynistic bitch."
"Sometimes I could weep, quite tenderly, for the London childhood I never had."
"The answer is in the question, is it not? They do not love you enough."
"It’s so hard to be spontaneous and thoughtful at the same time."
"I am not much of a Johnny-on-the-spot. Or a Jenny-on-the-spot, even."
"I’m having a bit of a bad time at the mo – although even at the best of times I am not much of a Johnny-on-the-spot."
"My soul has been pureed in an unspeakable act of betrayal."
"It's a bit sexual, too, right? Breastfeeding."
"Sometimes the energy interferes with surrounding forces."
"I am my own future. I know who I am and what I like."
"No, Art, I really didn’t. Maybe it just suits you to feel like the adventuring wanderer, dragged in from the forest and civilised by a woman ennobled by her missionary status."
"I felt like a success and a failure all at once. I felt simultaneously progressive and devolved."
"We are getting along so well and I’m thinking about living with him more than dying with him, so that’s a real plus."