
Wildwood Dancing Quotes

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier

Wildwood Dancing Quotes
"Every Full Moon our bodies tingled with the magic of it."
"You must pay for them [titles] with what is most precious to you in all the world."
"If you offer respect, you get respect in return."
"Father entrusted the welfare of our younger sisters to Jena and me."
"The margin of the wildwood was hedged about with crucifixes; the trees on its fringes were thick with protective amulets."
"We believed such misfortunes would never befall us."
"We must not worry Father. If he believed we were coping well, that would surely help him recover more quickly."
"A place in which a child can find an oddity like that frog is not a safe place to wander about."
"The only one of us Cezar ever takes notice of is you."
"The eyes of each viewer see a different reality."
"He’s never had a friend before. He’s terribly alone."
"A young woman clad for dancing is like a dewy flower; she catches and holds the eye."
"I have no reason at all to think he’s not one of them."
"The forest had a special beauty in winter: frozen waterfalls like delicate shawls, foliage shrouded in a glittering, rimy coating."
"My breath made a big cloud as we went, Gogu’s a smaller one."
"In the cold light of the winter morning, I could not believe I had allowed it to happen."
"A pox on Cezar! He’s the last person I want to see this morning."
"Admitting I was wrong did not come easily to me; I preferred not to make errors in the first place."
"If you require proof of my good intentions, I will give it, Jena."
"It never goes away until I crush it completely."
"There was no map to follow, no logic to choosing where I might look."
"I walked the length of the big chamber, the pillars rising into darkness on either side."
"An instinct I had not known I possessed drew me down one staircase and up another."
"The castle was dark. I had grabbed a candle before I went out, but its feeble flickering did little to illuminate the cavernous spaces and shadowy corners of Piscul Dracului."
"With the moon hidden, there would be nothing to see tonight."
"‘You waver,’ the red-lipped woman said dismissively. ‘You are too cautious, like an old woman.’"
"I hesitated, remembering the small, wise voice of Gogu raised in desperate protest."
"The door to the terrace was slightly open, its chain unfastened and dangling. So much for Cezar’s precautions."
"I screamed, but my voice drifted into nothing; instead, the cold air was full of the cries of strange birds, an eldritch music of night."
"I knew one thing: my brother was never interested in you, plain little thing that you are with your unkempt bush of hair and your flat chest and your flood of stupid questions."
"‘Go!’ whispered Sorrow. ‘Go before they see you.’"
"You want to ask questions, don’t you? Look in the mirror, then; you may protest that you are here simply to bring your sister back, but I know the real reason."
"Do not judge us, Jenica. Your own cousin took one of Ileana’s folk apart limb from limb."
"What if he does? I bet you weren’t even born then."
"You think me worthless. You think, because I am a frog, I cannot stand by you."
"It was just a bit further than I expected."
"I’m here to make sure my sister comes home safely."
"‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered. ‘I should have taken you with me.’"
"Love, hope, trust... these are strong in you, Tatiana; so strong, your belief in them seems almost foolish. Are they so important?"
"You spend a great deal of time worrying about others, trying to put their lives right, trying to shape your world as you believe it should be. You must learn to trust your instincts, or you are doomed to spend your life blinded by duty, while beside you a wondrous tree sprouts and springs up and buds and blooms, and your heart takes no comfort from it, for you cannot raise your eyes to see it."
"Sometimes you have to let go. Sometimes you should hold on with all the strength you’ve got. And you have a lot of strength, Jena; too much for your own good sometimes."
"I would far prefer us to be friends, you know. More than friends. I meant everything I said to you, the night of the party. Every word."
"Trust this one and your heart will be split and skewered and roasted over a fire."
"You weren’t listening, Jena. I told you, not one of you girls is to go beyond the house and courtyard. Most certainly not down to the village. Not until this is resolved to my satisfaction."
"They feed and folk die. Ivona was victim to that. But sometimes they feed and folk remain alive, but change."
"The simplest thing would be not to go, this Full Moon, even if there are questions you want to ask. If we never opened the portal again, Cezar couldn’t find it."
"If you won’t tell me, how can I possibly understand anything?"
"I’ll see you soon, Jena," said Grigori. "I’ll be back with your father’s answer as quick as I can."
"If you can’t trust, you can’t trust," he said. "Goodbye. I’m going home now."
"My advice to you," he said with a grin, "is to seek out my great-aunt before you go home."
"You can’t just let him go like that," objected Iulia. "He was upset. He was really sad."
"You think that, Jena? Really? I haven’t been much of a friend to you, this last month."
"I’m sorry I hurt you. More sorry than I can say. I can’t believe I didn’t know you instantly."
"I’m willing to risk it if you are," he said, with a lopsided smile.
"I love you, Jena. I always did. When you couldn’t trust me, you broke my heart."
"He loves you, Jena. It’s obvious to the rest of us. All you need to do is go up there and say you’re sorry."