
Shamed Quotes

Shamed by Linda Castillo

Shamed Quotes
"You see a lot of things when you’re the chief of police in a small town."
"Those are the moments that lift me. The moments that keep me going when the sky is dark and the rain is pouring down."
"Tourism, after all, is a big chunk of the economy."
"It’s a brilliant and sunny afternoon; cool, but pleasant for November in this part of Ohio."
"I see courage and strong character and people who care, some willing to risk their lives for someone they don’t even know."
"Food gained by fraud tastes sweet, but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel."
"I can turn it around just fine," the girl tells me. There’s no petulance or juvenile showmanship. Just an easy confidence that stems from capability and experience."
"The living always take precedence over the dead."
"Children are a gift from God, you know, and I knew that little girl was in trouble. She’s one of the special ones, you know, with the problems and all. She needed us."
"I didn’t know who the mother is. Who the parents are. I don’t know where they’re from or why they did what they did."
"You come here tonight to question our ways? You of all people?"
"Anyone who steals must certainly make restitution, but if they have nothing, they must be sold to pay for their theft."
"The Lord is a God who avenges. O God who avenges, shine forth. Rise up, Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve."
"Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death."
"It was done in the eyes of the Lord. His law is above man’s law. You know this, Katie. Or have you strayed so far from your roots that you no longer believe?"
"The best way to escape evil is to pursue good."
"One should not abandon one’s own; God does not abandon his own."
"You speak the devil's name too often and you'll hear the flap of his wings."
"If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed."
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."
"You are with me, Lord, so I won’t be afraid. What can human beings do to me when I have You?"
"If thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain."
"God knows, I knew better than to stand there and listen, but I couldn’t stop."
"You can’t stop him. No one can. It’s in God’s hands now."
"The Lord never blessed them with little ones. She was ime familye weg once or twice, but… no babies."
"It’s the kind of thing most people wouldn’t notice. Not even a cop."
"Good reason? You want to expand on that a little, Kate?"
"They shamed her to death. That’s why she jumped."
"I don’t believe the timing of any of this was coincidental."
"You’re looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for a woman who’s been up all night."
"He’s a strong man. If he still has something important to do before he checks out—like save your soul from eternal damnation—that might just be enough to get him through this."
"The crunch of tires on gravel alerts us to an approaching vehicle."
"The deputy shakes his head. 'I’ve patrolled this area pretty regularly for almost a year now,' he tells us."
"No one answers. We wait for about a minute, listening, but there’s no sound of footsteps. No voices. No sign that there’s anyone inside."
"The deputy tilts his head and speaks into his lapel mike."
"The three of us leave the porch and walk back to the driveway."
"The grass is knee high and looks as if it hasn’t been cut in months."
"The deputy heads toward the barn. Tomasetti and I start toward the back of the house."
"The house reeks of mildew and dust and day-old garbage."
"Senses on alert, I go to the door, set my ear against the wood."
"I stand there a moment, looking out over the property."