
This Isn't What It Looks Like Quotes

This Isn't What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch

This Isn't What It Looks Like Quotes
"Somewhere, at some time, a girl walked down a road."
"You shouldn’t climb up trees if you’re too scared to climb down."
"The realization that she didn’t know her own name came over her belatedly, like a chill you don’t notice until you see your breath clouding in the air."
"Anxiety attacks and associated maladies like dizziness, nausea, hyperventilation, skin rashes, hives, and incontinence, while perfectly understandable, are not at all helpful."
"Perhaps there is some force field that directs the cards just as the magnetic field swirls around the magnets."
"Except how do you know if you’re going to be great at something if you don’t try?"
"You sound like one of my poor little parents."
"Wow, I’ve never seen a monocle like that. It’s like a visual oxymoron."
"I hope so! My goodness, what would happen to all the disasters in the world if our dear Cass wasn’t around to predict them?"
"Max-Ernest, old chum, I don’t want to embarrass you, but there’s a piece of paper stuck to your back…. May I?"
"Think you can keep us any longer than last time? I wouldn’t bet on it!"
"You don’t recognize me, do you…? No, of course, you don’t. We haven’t met yet."
"You see, despite my vanity, I fear for my sanity."
"It hasn’t escaped our notice that you’ve been a little, shall we say, depressed."
"How proud you must feel, hounds, catching your prize fox!"
"Soldiers, yes, and trained killers each of us. Tell us where the treasure is and we will make your deaths quick and easy."
"I see you do not know about legends. I am a master illusionist who can make inanimate objects appear to fly."
"I am very glad to hear it. Where are you? I should like to shake the hand of the person who saved my life and the lives of my men."
"I was going to see about getting a nurse to sit with Cass while we took her mother to dinner, but I feel much better with you here."
"It's not just for dinner, it’s joust for dinner!"
"Why did you reject our hospitality? Was the dungeon floor too hard for your liking? The food too cold?"
"I think I could have a fracture. Or maybe a sprain. You know, they say a bad sprain is worse than a break."
"You know how conscious she is of keeping everybody's blood sugar levels up."
"I do not want to put any more pressure on you, but I am afraid if too much time passes, you will never remember this thing that you alone can know. That you alone must know."
"A tiny housefly has hundreds of eyes. Why should it be so hard to believe you have three?"
"Are you going to fight him again? You’re crazy."
"I knew when I first met you that you would be a blot on the future."
"I hear from my… what shall I call them?… my modern-day colleagues that you are a terrible pest."
"I can't believe they would let Yo-Yoji sign up. I thought kids weren’t allowed."
"It wasn’t just the jester hats. All morning, ever since she’d woken up from the dream about the green eye, she’d had the sensation that she was in two places at once."
"I just am. Did you see the way he looked at me? It was like we were communicating or something."