
Clockwork Boys Quotes

Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher

Clockwork Boys Quotes
"There are a number of smells one expects to encounter in a dungeon. Fresh rosemary generally isn’t one of them."
"Sometimes it meant 'danger!' and sometimes it meant 'here, look more closely, this is important!'"
"Still, of all the magical odors one could be afflicted with, it could have been a lot worse. Goat. Skunk. Old cheese."
"Beyond the current complications, which are already complicated enough, thank you."
"I’d offer you a handkerchief, but I’m fresh out."
"I suppose 'Bless you,' is a little much to ask under the circumstances."
"I don’t mind if he kills me, but I’d as soon skip the preliminaries..."
"It was judged that since I was possessed, I was not exactly responsible for my actions, and so I was given…mercy."
"Assuming you live through it, there’s a full pardon offered."
"You realize, Lord—Sir Caliban, you would be answering to Mistress Slate here."
"I don’t like this either. But the Clockwork Boys have to be stopped, and soon."
"It’s not that. It’s the sky. There’s too much of it."
"Let’s not get sappy. Your puppy made chew toys out of ten people."
"Then you’ll be glad not to have to listen to him any more."
"We’re going to Anuket City to attempt to infiltrate and learn how this is happening."
"I take back everything I said, Slate, darlin’."
"Really stupid people die all the time. And if they can manage it, I oughta have no problem."
"I must believe that the gods do not send us trials that we cannot endure."
"If He was still there, wouldn’t I feel Him? Or does what’s left of the demon keep even gods away?"
"He ran through the sword forms, separately at first, then together in sequence."
"I recognize a test when it draws steel on me."
"The memories were all still there, ground into slow, stupid muscle until it was second nature."
"One does not steal from weaponsmiths. They’re skilled labor."
"I take it you don’t share her view," said Caliban, practicing a lunge that took him away from the assassin’s grin.
"I am Knight-Champion Caliban, of the Temple of the Dreaming God."
"I was hoping you wouldn’t go for his throat."
"The prayer is quicker than the eye. Nothing up my sleeve…"
"I wish someone would say that to me, in a voice I couldn’t help but believe."
"She hadn’t been able to sleep or keep food down for days afterward."
"If your friends aren’t willing to strangle you, what kind of friends are they?"
"I wouldn’t normally ask this, but are these men kidnapping you?"
"It’s an odd thing, but every killer I’ve ever known who killed for pleasure rather than money had the same thing going on in their heads. They got sex and death all tangled up."
"I’d like to say that was the worst proposition I’ve ever received, but unfortunately, I’ve had worse."
"If we’re not back by noon tomorrow, take them on the road, and go back the way we came."
"I’m cold and exhausted and I don’t want to die, and someone just handed me a handkerchief."
"If you know you’re going to die, you don’t have to be afraid of anything. The worst has already happened."
"Never date a man prettier than you, it never ends well."