
The Bourne Objective Quotes

The Bourne Objective by Eric Van Lustbader

The Bourne Objective Quotes
"NIGHT DESCENDED LIKE a curtain of scuttling insects, coming alive with the setting of the sun."
"Gold from concrete, Arkadin thought, dazzled."
"The noise was atrocious, as was the stench of unwashed bodies, human excrement, rotting food, and decomposing bodies."
"Electronic City, built in the 1990s, was now the world capital of technology outsourcing."
"He lay still, regaining his breath and equilibrium."
"His ears practically twitched like a hunting dog’s."
"Isn’t it the downtrodden, the ones who can least afford to give up anything, who are more willing to share what they have than the millionaires inhabiting the gated towers on the other side of the city?"
"The sleek, post-modern building had no horizontal sills outside the window."
"Hassan sat hunched over his computer, using encrypted software slaved to the remote servers Arkadin had set up in a secure location."
"It’s in our darkest hour that our secrets eat us alive."
"You are the right person for this job for many reasons."
"The only way to find out for sure is to take it up to Oxford."
"He flies around the earth, faster and faster, faster than the speed of sound, faster than the speed of light, so fast that he reverses time to the moment just before Lois will be killed, and he saves her."
"The day I ask for your help is the day I put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger."
"You can take the man out of hell but you can’t take hell out of the man."
"He loved her, rewarded her with more and more money at the completion of each assignment, showered her with gifts between assignments."
"The silent outburst was over almost as soon as it had begun."
"I need to find some way—some permanent way—of extricating him."
"And as for Oserov, unless I’ve mistaken him, he likes money more than he hates me."
"You’re a fucking murderer, the lowest form of what passes for life in a whole stinking pile of shit."
"Don’t worry about me, I’ll make my way back to London."
"You know the rules. You don't question assignments, you take them."
"Have you forgotten the damaging evidence I have on you?"
"There is no out. You signed on, a contract in blood, metaphorically speaking."
"Someone special, a man who calls himself Adam Stone."
"Why were children burdened with nightmares when there was so much time for nightmares in adult life?"
"Life isn't carefree. What are you thinking? Life is difficult, at best. At its worst, it's a bloody nightmare."
"Nothing about him makes sense. He's completely unpredictable."
"The old methods of waging war were as antiquated, as certain to fail as the Napoleonic code."
"The process will, therefore, take longer. We'll have to study Bourne in a controlled environment."
"Because even if he had opened the file, he wouldn’t have been able to act on it. There is a section of the instructions missing from the file."
"There is no power on earth that could possibly have kept me away."
"I don’t expect you to believe me, but to prove my sincerity, this is what I propose."
"I’ll just have to arrange a change of scenery for Mr. Liss."
"It was the Spanish Franciscans who settled in this fertile valley and founded the town of Santiago de Tequila in 1530."
"Ethnically speaking, it was the Spanish church that destroyed Mexican culture."
"Growing up in Colombia, I knew only the struggle of my people against our dictator-generals and fascist armies."
"You think I give a rat’s ass about someone I don’t even know?"
"We have a couple of hours before sunset, when Arkadin usually takes out the cigarette."
"I think Oliver Liss has been skating on thin ice for some time."
"You feel no remorse at betraying the Severus Domna? After all, they’re your own kind."
"My kind are no different from your kind, inasmuch as there are those who are good, those who are bad, and those who are ugly."
"I must say, Essai, for an Arab you’re quite all right."
"The Severus Domna is no different from any tyrant—fascist, communist, or socialist."
"Greed, like sex, makes men stupid, blind to fear, or to the need for anything else."
"Are secret agents sad? That’s why they become secret agents."
"In the face of such power, mere human politics becomes irrelevant, as does religion."
"I never did. I loved the girls’ mother and I’ve been faithful to her."
"This is a real shithole." - M. Errol Danziger
"You’ve slid down in the world since you left us." - M. Errol Danziger
"No one we know or who’d recognize us would come within a country mile of this cesspit." - Willard
"I’ve got a lot of problems, but they’re none of your business." - Danziger
"Listen, you’re out of CI, which means you’re nobody." - Danziger
"Working with a foreign group is treason, which is punishable by execution." - Willard
"Do you want me to buy the bridge, too?" - Halliday
"There is intel here on Essai going back years. How could we not—?" - Halliday
"Well, I mean to say, where did this intel come from?" - Halliday
"For God's sake, Bud, you're making this damnably difficult." - The President
"Evidence of what? There’s nothing I have to explain or apologize for." - Halliday
"Ahead of him stretched the long, humiliating road to disgrace and ruin." - Narration
"His life led elsewhere." - Narration about Arkadin
"I’ve seen what you’re capable of." - Soraya to Arkadin
"We’re coming to the end of the road." - Arkadin
"Cozy as three bugs in a Moroccan carpet." - Arkadin
"The only chance is to do the unexpected." - Bourne
"I’m now going to take you apart piece by piece." - Arkadin to Idir
"You aren’t afraid of death, but you have already shown me your fear." - Arkadin to Idir
"You’ll tell us what we want to know whether or not you want to." - Arkadin
"It’s clear enough you hate each other." - Idir
"I’m quite certain the two of you have many matters, organizational and otherwise, to discuss." - Hendricks to Marks and Soraya
"Everything in the house is an illusion." - Tanirt
"Our only chance is to do the unexpected." - Bourne
"It’s more what I—or, more accurately, SVR—can do for you." - Zachek to Karpov
"You have no choice. None whatsoever." - Cherkesov to Karpov
"I need you to kill someone." - Cherkesov to Karpov