
Best Friends Forever Quotes

Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner

Best Friends Forever Quotes
"He wasn’t moving. I tried to get him to talk to me, but he was, like, passed out, and I was going to call 911, but I knew they’d trace the call and it would be in the papers, and I didn’t know what else to do, so I grabbed up all his clothes and put them in the car and I came here."
"We’ll just go look!" she pleaded. "If he’s alive, we’ll call an ambulance and get him to a hospital! I promise!"
"You’re the worst mother ever. We’re doing this all wrong!"
"I have screwed this up completely. Then again, I never claimed to be a professional."
"The biggest idiot in the world is the guy—the detective—whose wife is having an affair with her dentist and who fails to notice the new lingerie, or the gym membership, or that she’s suddenly walking around with a mouthful of blinding-white teeth."
"Don’t be such a worrywart," Mrs. Adler said, and reached down to give Val a push. "Go throw some Tabs in the cooler. Oh, and Addie," she said as she walked out of the room, hips swaying, bangles chiming. "Ask your parents if you can come, too."
"Each morning, Jon and I would take turns in the bathroom and eat breakfast in the kitchen—or, rather, I’d have toast and milk and cereal while Jon would slouch against the counter, lean and graceful, gulping orange juice straight from the bottle when my mother wasn’t looking, then would grab a banana or a handful of crackers and run out the door."
"The guidance counselor had looked at me for a long minute, her big, buggy gray eyes magnified behind the green plastic frames of glasses someone had probably told her were 'hip' and 'cool.'"
"I was furious at Val if she’d meant what I thought she had, and angry at her mother and my father, too (she’d kissed him first, but he’d kissed her back)."
"My father spent more and more time in the basement, as if he couldn’t stand to see what Jon had become."
"I had nothing but Val… my best friend, who’d come back to me after all this time."
"In May, I found a lump in my breast," she said. "They did a biopsy and then they scheduled a mastectomy."
"That, my parents explained, was a side effect of one of Jon’s medications, and he wasn’t doing it on purpose, and I should try to help him if I could by handing him tissues and reminding him to use them."
"The world was just bursting with Good Samaritans, all of them dying to help out poor fat Addie Downs."
"I tried to help. I made sure that his shoes were tied, that his backpack was zipped, that his belt was fastened and his pants zipped up when he came out of the bathroom."
"Then I slipped out of bed and tiptoed down the hallway, down the stairs, to the door that led to the basement."
"It’s time, he should live on his own, he should have as much of a life as he can."
"Whatever happens to me, you’re going to be fine."
"There’s all kinds of love in the world, and not all of it looks like the stuff in greeting cards."
"There are good things out there. There are good people. Good men."
"I just want you to be happy. Your father and I…"
"I was always thinking of every bad thing someone could think about me before they even think it."
"I wondered whether it had to do with Jon. Maybe they hated me because they couldn’t hate him."
"Every night I’d promise myself I wouldn’t do it, that I’d just finish my homework and go to sleep like a normal person."
"I don’t understand it," my mother said after my checkup."
"I didn’t understand what I’d said, what I’d done, that had turned me into a target."
"I kept my head down, biting my lip, feeling my thighs rubbing together."
"None of this would ever happen, but my dreams, carefully embroidered and unfolded each night, were as sweet as candy."
"By the time I was a senior, I’d spent hours thinking about Dan Swansea, but I’d never actually spoken to him."
"My heart sank, knowing that I was just a convenience."
"You’re so loyal, the cheerleaders would say, and Val would tell them, Well, I’ve known Addie for a long time. I can’t just turn my back on her. Poor thing."
"I have protein shakes, and soup sometimes. Oh, and sushi."
"I didn’t hear anything in there that sounds like a meal."
"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy," said Merry.
"That’s what you get for hurting my little girl."
"I am sorry, my dear," he said, "But you must know that I will never leave my wife."
"We wanted to start our family somewhere safe."
"You shouldn’t have to decide between looking cute and buying your clothes from a sweatshop."
"If I were a better writer, I’d write. If I were a better artist, I’d paint or sculpt."
"My clothes are for every woman. For all of us."
"I want to make magic with someone I like; someone who is just at the beginning of her story."