
The Fastest Way To Fall Quotes

The Fastest Way To Fall by Denise Williams

The Fastest Way To Fall Quotes
"Work out. Meetings. Paperwork. Sleep. Repeat."
"I’d use real ones, but your suit’s so pretty, I’d hate to get it bloody."
"I’m several beers in, so probably a lot like this."
"She said they’ll have someone sign up and try out a coach."
"I don’t mind you messaging me while drinking—helps to see you’re human and not some fitness robot."
"And I think it’s best if we end things, too."
"Sometimes it feels like I’m all you have, and that’s too much pressure."
"I thought I could hold my own on the dance floor."
"I was allowed to call and believe myself hot."
"You’re not the kind of woman he needs to be seen with."
"It’s not like you aren’t already a serial killer."
"There’s what I want to do and what I should do. But probably look out for my career, right? I mean, a guy isn’t a sure thing, and the place I work is really great …"
"She was a great artist. Addiction’s a bitch."
"I’m not seeing anyone. I just didn’t want Felicia trying to set me up."
"It’s just the gym, and yeah, I do feel better. You were right about picking up a couple clients."
"It’s hard to describe. I absolutely can’t have him, and I can’t stop imagining what if."
"Anyone who really wants to be with you would be willing to move mountains, let alone break rules."
"You know that kind of wanting where you can see what you desire in front of you and can almost touch it? Where you just know the air will taste a little sweeter once you get it, and it feels like maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance it’s possible? The wanting. Wow. It gets you."
"What happens on the lazy river stays on the lazy river and all that."
"I don’t expect to run a marathon tomorrow, just like I don’t expect every first kiss to end in a happily ever after."
"Best believe I will get married in a dress that fits me rather than being worried about me fitting a dress. Who needs that kind of pressure?"
"I like you. I like your smiles. I like your jokes. I like your kisses. I like your heart, and I—"
"I leaned closer to her other ear. 'And I want you. I want you in every way a person can want someone.'"
"She touched a palm to my cheek and studied my face as the music swirled around us."
"It’s you. It’s been you since that first message, and it will be you until long after the last one."
"His finger slid along my collarbone, sending jolts of anticipation through me."
"I’d never seen him out of control, and it was hot knowing I did that to him."
"You look hot in everything you wear. You didn’t need this."
"I fell in love with you when you made me laugh."
"We were still fully clothed, standing in the living room of his apartment, but we were bare."
"I can think of some new cardio I’ll be adding to my rotation."
"I know I don’t deserve a second chance after pushing you away."
"You’re the one for me. I don’t want you to be my client. I want you to be my everything."
"I hadn’t expected the smile, or for his voice to sound proud."
"I can’t believe you never told me you read that, or that you wanted to know anything else about me after!"
"Whatever your 10K is, I’ll cross the finish line knowing you can, too."
"Living one’s best life is a trendy saying, but it’s a philosophy I live by, and that means acting according to one’s own moral compass."
"I trust each of you to bring stories and information to light."
"I had to protect my company and get that thing shut down."
"Trust is present in a strong organization, and it’s lacking in weak ones."
"You don’t need me in order to cross the finish line, but I hope you’ll let me meet you there."
"You’re perfect, and you can do anything you set your mind to."