
Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports Quotes

Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports Quotes
"Because we’re just crazy about consistency, we were on the run again."
"And because Itex is a world-class, top-secret, paranoid techfest, the linkup has constantly changing codes and passkeys—its signal is completely untraceable."
"Let’s hear it for government funding, people! Take it from me: State parks are a valuable natural resource! Let’s protect them!"
"We have the School, the Institute, Itex…us, Erasers, Jeb, Anne Walker, the other experiments we saw in New York. But what’s the bigger picture?"
"Angel doesn’t just read minds; sometimes she can actually control them too."
"I keep putting two and two together and coming up with thirty-seven."
"They’re strong and bloodthirsty but lousy about impulse control."
"On the one hand, we have constant, desperate, heart-pounding escapes, day after day, never knowing what’s going to happen to us or whether we’ll even be alive the next day…"
"I mean, Max and Fang would make a plan. Let’s think."
"You looove me," he crooned smugly. Holding his arms out wide, he added, "You love me this much."
"Okay, the second they undo us, make sure all heck breaks loose."
"Come on, guys, buck up. Let’s see some insane rage put apples in those cheeks."
"You’re not evil? You’re not the worst lying, cheating, betraying jerk I’ve ever met?"
"Is that what the aliens told you when you quit wearing your foil hat?"
"If I’m dreaming that I’m tied up by mad scientists in a secret experimental facility, and then I fall asleep and start dreaming, are you really dreaming?"
"I’m smarter than the average recombinant bear."
"We electrically stimulated your synaptic nerve endings while your brain was developing."
"You’re a child, Max. Which makes it unsurprising that you can’t see the big picture. You’re still putting yourself at the center of the universe."
"You’ll do what we tell you. I’m sure we can find some way to motivate you."
"I have enough smarts to know that it’s never that simple. And I can make this more complicated than you could possibly imagine."
"Just because you made me doesn’t mean you know what I can do, what I’ve done. And here’s a news flash: My chip is gone. So you can take your spyware and shove it."
"But you’re going to find out, Mom, and it’s going to give you nightmares for the rest of your wasted life."
"I’m sure some of you get sent to your rooms sometimes by your parents."
"We’ve been in worse places, in worse situations."
"Plus, how many of your parents chain you to the wall?"
"Why can’t she use her powers for good instead of evil?"
"Put her in jail. Plus all the others who lent a hand to this hateful Goldfinger plan of world domination."
"I don’t want the Director to be my mother because she’s an insane witch."
"You’re still here to save the world. That’s what you were born for."
"Parents are totally overrated. We’re all the family we need."
"We’re gonna save the world! We’re the last hope!"
"Something asinine, probably life-threatening, and guaranteed to make me angry every time I remember it for the rest of my life."
"Maximum Ride and Omega will fight to the death."
"Pain is merely a message, and you can ignore the message."
"It’s all too much for me to take in—like getting the most amazing, fabulous, unbelievable Christmas presents ever, and yet having them cause you an incredible amount of rage and pain."
"What do you mean? Is this one of your chain yanks?"
"The world still felt the same to me; therefore, Max was still in it."
"Fang had always teased that the flock had voted Fang 'Most Likely to Become a Cult Leader.'"
"Oh, Max, you’re the last of the hybrids who still has…a soul."