
The Swedish Prince Quotes

The Swedish Prince by Karina Halle

The Swedish Prince Quotes
"I never asked to be the legal guardian of my siblings. I never asked for any of this. None of us did. But I’m here and I’m doing the best I can every day."
"I grew up in a world where if something broke, you either fixed it or waited years for a replacement that wasn’t much better."
"I just want to be alone, to do what I fucking please."
"You have to put on a mask and act out your roles and your duties, then you'll never rise to be the man that your brother was."
"If you don’t learn to manage it now, you’ll never be able to move forward."
"My pulse is racing, my cheeks feel hot, my skin is dancing like electricity is flowing through the air."
"This is it? Doesn't seem like the right place to raise children."
"I'm in charge of this family now and to fail is…not an option."
"You're a lot stronger than you think you are."
"You work six days a week. No human can keep that up in the long run. So not only are you owed this vacation but you need to take this vacation."
"The moon doesn’t seem big enough. I might be over the sun."
"I want to feel your lips burn on mine the entire plane ride back home. I want the taste of you still in my mouth as I fall asleep at night."
"I’m only strong because I’ve been lucky so far. I don’t know what’s around the bend, especially with April. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it. I never asked for any of this."
"She’s such a pretty girl. Funny with a smart mouth on her. I like her. It would be nice to see her get some support."
"Well, fuck. Way to forever inject paranoia into my life, Pike."
"I have some idea, but not to your extent. I just don’t think you see yourself the way that I do, the way that others see you."
"Love is something that happens. Like an accident or a stroke of fate."
"It's just part of living. We need air to breathe and food to eat. We need certain people in the same way."
"Sometimes I imagine you beside me when I go to the balls and galas and dinner parties and other places I'm carted off to each day and night."
"There’s a vacancy that grows in your heart after someone you love leaves you."
"It’s not something you choose. Love is something that happens."
"Every single cell in my body is tapdancing on fire."
"What is it? Good lord, what the hell is this?"
"I can't believe these people follow you everywhere."
"Efficient gets the job done though, doesn't it?"
"What is it? Do you know what it means when I call you mitt liv, mitt allt?"
"So I guess I shouldn't go hit on them and find my own Swedish hunk."
"He reminds me of a wild animal caught in the middle of the jungle."
"You came here because I can't be without you."
"I need you here and I'm going to do what I can to make it worth our while."
"I'll do all I can to make sure that the next two weeks and the weeks after that with your family, are all focused on you."
"I'm sure Maggie will be going back to journalism very soon."
"I feel like Gatsby holding Daisy in his arms."
"I'll be in the car, Miss McPherson. Don't worry."
"I used to listen to it when I studied. 'And I adore Chopin’s Waltz,' I add, proud that I remembered the name of the piece."
"I mean, we can’t stay a secret forever, Maggie. People will find out who you are. And I don’t want the world to cheapen what we have."
"I hate having to share you with people. That my parents and other monarchs want a piece, have an opinion."
"He was worth quitting my job over, he was worth uprooting the kids, even if for a vacation. He was worth giving it a shot because who knows where it might lead."
"We have a duty to my family. I just…I can’t let my love for you dictate what I do."
"You’re a prince! You’re a prince and I’m nothing."
"I love you but I…I can’t let my love for you dictate what I do."
"I used to hate working as a housekeeper, not because of the actual work, but because of the way people looked down on me."
"You know that it’s not true, that you’re not cheap. None of that matters. What matters is that I’m public property and I don’t want you to be public property too."