
Gallows View Quotes

Gallows View by Peter Robinson

Gallows View Quotes
"But why, then, should the past seem so vivid? Why, particularly, should that day in 1916, when Arnold marched off proudly to the trenches, seem so much clearer than yesterday."
"Life was hard enough these days without making it worse for yourself."
"The memories were there, but the string of time that linked them like a pearl necklace was broken."
"He never came back. Like so many others, he was destined to lie in a foreign grave."
"Remember, you have no guarantee that it will turn out well on film."
"I suppose it’s better now," she said, sipping cautiously at her half of bitter. "It’s just all those double entendres."
"If you want to know whether I agree with every law in the country, the answer’s no."
"I think we’d better be off now. You’ll need your beauty sleep for all the report writing you’ve got to do in the morning."
"Why go out for hamburger if you can get steak at home?"
"There's nothing wrong with my marriage — Sandra was all, if not more than, I had ever expected in a partner."
"The sensation had been immediate, like a mild electric shock."
"There was nothing to feel guilty about in fancying an attractive woman."
"People have been known to cover their tracks after crimes of passion, Alan."
"Dr Fuller said we’re dealing with a very frustrated man who’s probably going about as far as he dares in peeping through windows."
"We’ve got to concede that she’s got a point."
"We can't deal with unidentified complainants."
"We both know how the truth gets twisted in emotional situations."
"There's no evidence that we've got a Byrne or a Floyd on our hands."
"If I went to bed with you once, I wouldn’t want it to stop there."
"You think a psychologist can’t spot a married man a mile off?"
"I’m sorry if I’ve given you the impression that — the wrong impression — but I’m married."
"He’s probably poking her. Fucking hell, wouldn’t I just like those long legs wrapped around my waist."
"I think he’s poking her, Mick. It’s funny, though, seeing them twice like that."
"Something must have got twisted in the communication network, then."
"No, I’ve not been getting myself into trouble, but I’m not denying I’ve had my eye on her for some time."
"We’re dealing with a very frustrated man who’s probably going about as far as he dares in peeping through windows."
"We might be on the track of a Byrne or a Floyd."
"It was what he had been waiting for, what had first stirred his feelings and had eluded him ever since."
"One moment she was taking off the bra, the next a look of shock spread across her face slowly, like spilled milk on a table, as she caught his eye."
"It's just like building a case. Test your mettle."
"I remember I was always fascinated by that ship in the bottle, the Miranda. I stared at it for hours on end."
"I trust him. And if he does yield to temptation, he wouldn’t be the first."
"I’ve got to gather all the information I can. I should imagine it’s like counting the grains of sand on a beach."
"Bloody hell, you think I’m that Peeping Tom, don’t you? You think I’m the bloody peeper!"
"It was just a feeling. The way they were walking. They looked like heavies to me, and I wasn’t hanging around to get mugged."
"It’s all right," Markham said bitterly. "I wouldn’t hit her. She knows that. Who is he, you slut?"
"Don’t worry. I told you it’s safe. He’ll be back soon."
"I’m just going to insert this gently inside..."
"You realize he’ll need a few more shots yet?"
"You’ve no idea what a burden this has been for me. I don’t think I could have stood it much longer, pushing it to the back of my mind, pretending it never really happened."
"I was desperate, Inspector. I even pleaded with her, but it was no good."
"It was like a sort of fog came over my mind, but at the same time I felt free."
"It’s what we call ‘positive discrimination,’ lad, and you’ll just have to get used to it."
"It happens a lot less often up here than down south."
"I felt like I could do what I wanted, I didn’t have to pretend any more."