
The Man With A Load Of Mischief Quotes

The Man With A Load Of Mischief by Martha Grimes

The Man With A Load Of Mischief Quotes
"I direct your attention, Dick, to the curious incident of the dog in the daytime."
"Murder in fact was not nearly so intriguing as murder in fancy."
"It’s obviously a maniac doing these murders."
"If I want to read a good book, I’ll write one."
"He struck me as the sort one always sees coming out of the turf accountant’s."
"I thought it inappropriate, you know, holding down a job, at the same time having that awkward title."
"Nothing is too good for the woman with whom I danced all night in Brighton."
"I’ll have a whisky, Dick — neat, if you please."
"The dead will walk! Mark my words! The dead will walk!"
"Who could possibly mean to come here in dead winter? And a perfect stranger?"
"The whole face seemed an aristocratically chiseled mask."
"Anyone else, he supposed, would be thinking, What a hell of a way to spend my Christmas holiday. But Jury thought it rather perfect."
"Why in God's name would anyone coming from outside want to meet Small in the cellar?"
"It must have been an awful experience for you."
"Talking about Simon, are you? He can be very generous at times."
"This Ainsley had just popped in several days ago asking for a room."
"I see you two are sitting here calmly eating kidney and bacon with the whole village in an uproar!"
"I build this tower for my wife, George, / And may these images remain / When all is ruin once again."
"It was a sign made up to commemorate the taking of Boulogne Harbor by Henry the Eighth. You see? The mouth of the harbor. Boulogne mouth."
"The vicar says he'd heard the man's face was cut up a bit. Cuts on the nose? Very odd."
"Well, we must go — it's right for you, that country. It's so strange how nothing can disturb that tranquility, not even that forever war they go on having."
"If you refuse to marry me, then just go off with me. Live with me. Then your money will be forever beyond my reach —"
"You think you owe her too damned much. Darling — you don’t owe anyone a bloody thing."
"He tried to smile, but didn’t make a very convincing job of it."
"The thing is, Ruby always acted that way — secretive like. Whether there was anything in it or not."
"There was always the chance that he’d be seen dragging the body from — where? let’s say that stand of oak — the short distance to the ‘dead man.’ But by whom?"
"It’s terrible to think you work your fingers to the bone for them, and they turn out this way."
"Our Merry’s never given us a sleepless night."
"It don’t take much to be popular with men, Inspector."
"I’m trying to find out just who it was in this village Ruby Judd knew enough about to get herself killed over."
"I’ve seen nice, chess-playing old men do strange things before."
"I’m simply going to assume — though I could be dead wrong."
"You’ve ten people in your shop all wanting service. Hadn’t you better see to them?"
"I think she missed the red and green symbolism. Christmas colors."
"If you can carry the calf, you can carry the cow, Jury."
"Christmas? Christmas?" Racer made it sound like a new holiday only recently forced into the calendar by Parliament.
"Strange, isn’t it, Jury, how sex maniacs are still prowling the woods on Christmas. Did the Ripper stop for Christmas, Jury? Did Crippen?"
"Sorry so little progress has been made, sir. But it’s difficult enough having one murder; remember, I’ve got four here."
"You’ve lived in Yorkshire how long, Miss Trump?" "Oh, these ten years, I’d say. Went up there to keep house for my brother after my sister-in-law died, God rest her —"
"That’s it! That’s it!" said Plant, closing his eyes and mouthing words silently.
"God, what nerve — smothering her right before the eyes of the whole audience."
"You hear it, Inspector? It’s that it sounds differently when Pluck says it, since his diction — you’ll pardon me, Constable — is not quite precise."
"Ruby wouldn’t lay hands on that. Not unless it was over the madam’s dead body."