
Seeress Of Kell Quotes

Seeress Of Kell by David Eddings

Seeress Of Kell Quotes
"The sunlight on the snow-fields above them was dazzling."
"There was an abiding peace here, a peace that washed away the turmoil and anxiety."
"Man would never, could never, touch these eternal mountains."
"Birds sang from the trees beside the winding track."
"I think it’s just an excuse, really. Some people prefer solitude."
"His meeting with Cyradis on the banks of the Magan had forever changed him."
"The well-being of all is the responsibility of all."
"I see the face of God, my friend, and will until the end of my days."
"It’s something to do. And it gives me an excuse to be up there in the mountains."
"You’ve been spending too much time with Porenn. You’re starting to get delicate."
"The stars have told us for eons that the Place Which Is No More awaits the coming of thee and thy companions."
"I just wish there was some way to get the taste out of my mouth."
"Stick to mice. They taste better, and at least they can be swallowed."
"It’s sort of like a natural disaster looking for a place to happen."
"I think I’ve got an old cloak that’ll fit you. It’s a little shabby, though."
"You should have paid more attention to your studies, Agachak."
"A poor blind girl, who hath but recently joined us. Courtly entertainments, I fear, would be lost on one who lives in darkness perpetual."
"The notion that you have been too long with one’s eldest daughter. She is, one has noticed, much caught up in propriety."
"We all have many duties, don’t we? Commend me to the Child of Dark when next thou prayest to her."
"It’s a silly pastime, isn’t it? I’ve never known why any sane man would choose to waste time on it."
"Thy malady worsens, I perceive. This forgetfulness of thine is, I fear me, a precursor of the more violent symptoms."
"Rid my kingdom of this dragon, and no boon ye ask shall be denied thee."
"You are the greatest knights on life, my Lords, and the exalted stations of your companions do proclaim louder than words."
"He said it’s about eight miles. There’ll be all kinds of fire."
"The Child of Dark hath violated the commandment we laid upon her when we assigned her this task."
"Thou art as transparent as glass, Belgarion of Riva."
"The poet doth lurk beneath the most common exterior."
"The universe doesn’t mean anything to me without you, you know."
"I just hope they let me hold my baby before I die."
"You weren’t meant to be alone, and you need somebody to take care of you."
"I’ve made my own luck, Garion. It’s not that hard to tamper with dice."
"I just wanted to get it clear, that’s all. Is this the first time you’ve admitted it – even to yourself?"
"I don’t recommend any of that for you. You’ll need your wits about you tomorrow."
"What’s your feeling about accepting a junior partnership in our operation – after your obligations here in Boktor have all been satisfied?"
"The right to spy on the royal family has always been the highest reward for exemplary service."
"I’ve never had the opportunity to deal with high treason on a personal level before."
"Nothing you can do will stop me from believing that."
"The Choice has been made. There are quite a number of people I have to make arrangements for."
"Her arms should start getting tired before too much longer."
"I'll be very cross if you let anything happen to him."
"The movement will spread. You'll probably live long enough to see the day when Eriond is the God of the whole world."
"You're the most important person who's ever lived – or ever will."
"But the fire wasn't real. That's all evil ever really is – an illusion."
"You and I might, but the Seers have always known that Light and Dark are simply opposite sides of the same thing."
"Thou art no longer a youth, Sir Mandorallen."
"You’ve turned the most powerful object in the universe into a child’s plaything."
"He's too young to be doing this sort of thing, Garion."