
Never Greener Quotes

Never Greener by Ruth Jones

Never Greener Quotes
"I fell for him so hard. It was like riding a bicycle really fast down a very steep hill and realizing my brakes weren’t working."
"Can’t complain, mustn’t grumble, could be worse."
"My favourite two people in the whole wide world! Let me just get a drink."
"Hey gorgeous, just checking in. How’s it going up there?"
"I’m sorry for smoking in your car, Doug, it’s really selfish of me."
"She’s going to have an appetite on her, I reckon."
"Belinda steadied herself against the wall and whispered, ‘Give me a fag.’"
"OK, what you need to do is go back to the house. To your house. Just like you would’ve done if you hadn’t been here."
"‘You are SO gonna get it, MacGregor,’ she promised."
"‘So let me solve it then.’ And she smiled her wicked smile, and his bad mood instantly evaporated."
"‘I thought she was a wee bit batty, if I’m honest,’ he announced. ‘Probably a cocaine freak. I mean they all are these days, aren’t they, these actresses?’"
"‘It’s just sex though, isn’t it? Isn’t it?’ That’s what he kept telling himself, but he didn’t know any more."
"‘He’s a man of few words, is Callum.’ Belinda smiled at Kate, in the way wives do to excuse their husbands’ awkward social behaviour."
"What was done was done, and the truth was, all she wanted was to see Callum again. And she didn’t care who got hurt in the process."
"She sighed and banished the guilt, plunging herself back into denial."
"He knew so little about him. He had no idea who his father was or the circumstances Kate was in at the time."
"She composed the message. 'Mr MacGregor your car is due for a service. Please call us at your earliest convenience.'"
"He thought his face looked pale and sad, but wondered if he was looking for trouble when it wasn’t really there."
"Kate always loved wrap parties. Admittedly she’d loved them more in her younger, wilder days."
"But deep down Matt guessed what must have happened. The therapist must have asked about Luca."
"He was totally thrown, partly because he felt a rush of emotion tightening his throat."
"Instead, he scribbled a note and pushed it under the locked door of the gym: 'I’m sorry, I really am.'"
"‘Mummy, Mummy, look at us!’ Tallulah was in her element."
"We spend most of our lives wishing we were somewhere else or someone else, or looking forward or harping back. Always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. But it never is. It’s still grass. Just a different patch of it, that’s all."
"I promise you, Matt, me and Bill have never been happier. I adore the big lummox."
"The house looks like a bin. It’s been so good to see you!"
"No one’s ever sent me a Valentine before, except my dad when I was seven."
"I’ve fallen in love with someone, but I don’t think it’s reciprocated."
"I think you’re a damn fool. Belinda’s a good woman. A bloody good woman."
"All loss is sad, but the loss of faith in Love is catastrophic."
"You should’ve brought the selfie stick, you moron!"
"I’m on the end of the phone, remember. So is Carrie."
"Kate, listen to me. You’re not coming back with me."
"Kate, you look absolutely stunning, and when we get home tonight I’m gonna shag you senseless, OK?"